Hi, This Is My Penis

Hi, This Is My Penis 2021


This sympathetic, but profound and essential investigation, led by Kim Lévesque-Lizotte, aims to clarify why men send photos of their penises. What is behind their "dick pics"? What do these pictures symbolize? Desire, power, exhibitionism, narcissism, sexism, fear of rejection? To find out, the documentary tries to elicit answers from both sides.


Truth Doesn't Hurt Me Anymore

Truth Doesn't Hurt Me Anymore 1970


After the events of the first film "Truth Hurts Me", Boaz starting to hallucinate and begins to take a series of actions from which there is no way back.


Dickpics: the hard science

Dickpics: the hard science 2023


Jurre Geluk and Dzifa Kusenuh investigate the dickpic phenomenon. What is its history? Why make one? And how do you deal with an unwanted dick pic? Jurre and Dzifa get to the bottom of it and at the same time also look for the Perfect Post.