Ferenc Pap Homo Novus Tolerance Pillangó Égi madár Házasságtörés A galamb papné A Hortobágy legendája Koportos Stratagem Pampered Darlings Red Earth Coexistence Point of Departure Now It's My Turn, Now It's Yours Blind Endeavour Recsk 1950–53: Story of a Forced Labor Camp Poet George Faludy Never, Nowhere, To No-One Are You Still Alive? Prisoners of War Reflections Reklámbrigád The Émigré: Everything is Different A színésznő A fekete bojtár For Love and Honor Under Construction Budakeszi srácok Cloud Above the River Ganges Güle Güle Last Seen Wearing a Blue Skirt... Discovering Spain Leleplezés Autumn Almanac Peacetime Family Nest The Prefab People Laços de Sangue Macbeth Minden szerdán The Outsider The Whistler Princess Film Novel - Three Sisters The Ninth Floor Queen: Hungarian Rhapsody - Live in Budapest '86 Magányosok klubja