Carlo Lizzani Gian Luigi Rondi - Vita, cinema, passione The Tough and the Mighty Pope John XXIII Outcry Linee d'ombra Once Upon a Time... 'Rome, Open City' Voi siete qui Portrait Of My Father Giuliano Montaldo - Quattro volte vent'anni Vittorio racconta Gassman: Una vita da mattatore Luchino Visconti The Years of Lost Images Farewell to Enrico Berlinguer We Weren't Just Bicycle Thieves: Neorealism A Dream of Women The Violent Four Sperduti nel buio Il falso bugiardo Sergio Leone: cinema, cinema Cinecittà Babilonia: Sex, Drugs and Black Shirts Giovanna Cau - Diversamente giovane Roberto Rossellini: Fragments and Jokes Roberto Rossellini: Il mestiere di uomo Western all'italiana Behind Love and Anger Through Children's Eyes - De Sica & Shoeshine Rossellini Noi c'eravamo Pietro Germi - The Good, The Beautiful and The Bad Love in the City Love and Anger The Last Four Days Mother Ebe Black Turin Love and Anger It's a Hard Life Kleinhoff Hotel Human Torpedoes The Violent Four Attention! Bandits! The Violent Four Attention! Bandits! Attention! Bandits! Venezia The House of the Yellow Carpet Bitter Rice The Hills Run Red Black Jesus At the Edge of the City Roma bene Celluloide 12 Directors for 12 Cities The Screwball San Babila-8 P.M. Chronicle of Poor Lovers The Teenage Prostitution Racket The Verona Trial Crazy Joe The Policeman on Horseback The Tough and the Mighty Kill and Pray Kill and Pray Le cinque giornate di Milano Thrilling Gold of Rome Wake Up and Die Under the Olive Tree Maria Josè, l'ultima regina Tragic Hunt Tragic Hunt Outcry The Bandit The Wicked Hotel Meina Dear Gorbachev Dear Gorbachev The Hunchback The Hunchback The Dirty Game Roberto Rossellini: Fragments and Jokes The Screwball Fontamara Giuseppe De Santis Esterina It's a Hard Life Gold of Rome Gold of Rome The Devils of Monza Fontamara La Celestina P… R… Something Changed in Midday Love and Anger The Tough and the Mighty Amori pericolosi Amori pericolosi Inverno di malato Inverno di malato We Weren't Just Bicycle Thieves: Neorealism The Mill on the Po The Last Four Days Tragic Hunt Bitter Rice Amore che si paga Scossa Stato d'emergenza - Il caso Dozier Behind the Great Wall The Violent Four To Arms, We Are Fascists! Roma bene La Donna del Treno Luchino Visconti Luchino Visconti La Celestina P… R… Cesare Zavattini Nucleo Zero Nucleo Zero Nucleo Zero Germany, Year Zero Germany, Year Zero Duel of Champions Hotel Meina Behind Love and Anger Rome, November 12, 1994 Maria Josè, l'ultima regina Maria Josè, l'ultima regina Assicurazione sulla morte Togliatti è ritornato Togliatti è ritornato Luchino Visconti: Life as in a Novel Farewell to Enrico Berlinguer The Bandit Mother Ebe All Human Rights for All All Human Rights for All Wake Up and Die The Teenage Prostitution Racket At the Edge of the City Chronicle of Poor Lovers Celluloide San Babila-8 P.M. Un film et son époque Un film et son époque Un film et son époque