Jun Ichikawa Sunny Home Tony Takitani Tony Takitani Aogeba Tôtoshi Aogeba Tôtoshi How to Become Myself Buy a Suit No Life King Dying at a Hospital Tokiwa: The Manga Apartment Tokiwa: The Manga Apartment BU・SU Dying at a Hospital Tokyo Lullaby Buy a Suit Tsugumi Tokyo Marigold Tokyo Marigold Buy a Suit Buy a Suit Tokyo rendering kashu Tokyo rendering kashu Tadon and Chikuwa I Found Myself Smaller and Smaller I Found Myself Smaller and Smaller Hyo-Ryu-Ki The Tokyo Siblings Tadon and Chikuwa The Whispered City Osaka Story Ryoma's Wife, Her Husband and Her Lover Goaisatsu Goaisatsu Kaisha monogatari: Memories of You Kaisha monogatari: Memories of You Haru, Bânîzu de Haru, Bânîzu de 第1回欽ちゃんのシネマジャック Hyo-Ryu-Ki Crepe Crepe The Whispered City Tsugumi Tokyo Lullaby Tokyo rendering kashu Tokyo rendering kashu