Lluís Homar Bad Education Chaotic Ana Fermat's Room Body Armour Broken Embraces Rottweiler Deadly Cargo The Borgia To Die (Or Not) What's It All About Paper Birds Julia's Eyes Don't Be Afraid To Die in San Hilario My Very Best Friend EVA If They Tell You I Fell Winning Streak The Best of Me Celestial Clockwork La Celestina Dogs The Bird of Happiness Valentín Quito La fossa The Backwoods Heroes Virginia, la monaca di Monza Flow Forastera La plaça del Diamant At Your Doorstep Black Butterfly Anomalous The Neon Man Latin Lover Project Time Luis Buñuel: constructor de infiernos Sexo en el plató Elisa & Marcela Family Ties Moon Child After the Dream Queens Suburbs 48 Stunden Barcelona Les Noces de Fígaro Polseres vermelles Bajo sospecha Gominolas Hispania, The Legend Imperium Grand Hotel Ull per ull Ermessenda La Plaça del Diamant Còmics Show Guimerà, el Nobel sense premi El llop