Edson Secco Gabriel Medina Lands Cinema Novo Cinema Novo Paralelo 10 Out of Breath Retratos de Identificação Rio de Vozes Toada para José Siqueira The Cotton Wool War The Book of Delights The Salamander Naughty Spot The Mayor Lilith Interdependence Interdependence Undertow Eyes Undertow Eyes Undertow Eyes Maresia Agreste Burning Night Burning Night Dorival Caymmi - Um Homem de Afetos Dorival Caymmi - Um Homem de Afetos Luiz Melodia - Within the Heart of Brazil When the Earth Trembles Sobradinho Invisible O Amor e a Peste Náufragos Unremember Neon Bull Back and Forth After the Rain Elegy of a Crime Tropykaos Tropykaos Parque Oeste Two Irenes Valley of Souls Poder dos Afetos Version Française Version Française The Territories HU Parque Oeste Parque Oeste Os Barcos I Owe You a Letter About Brazil I Owe You a Letter About Brazil The Cotton Wool War The Cotton Wool War Savage Fire Mulher Oceano Mulher Oceano Mulher Oceano Mulher Oceano Antes do Fim Days in Sintra A Part of Us