Michel Magne Michel Magne, le Fantaisiste Pop Fantomas Unleashed Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard Fantomas The Sleeping Car Murder Les Misérables Male Hunt Angelique and the King Crooks in Clover My Baby Is Black! The Monocle's Sour Laugh Ladies First OSS 117 Is Unleashed Safety Catch Emmanuelle 4 Konga Yo The Sergeant Cold Sweat Ivory Coast Adventure Don Juan or If Don Juan Were a Woman Everybody He Is Nice, Everybody He Is Beautiful Chinese In Paris Moi y'en a vouloir des sous Sorrel Flower The Informer Galia How to Keep the Red Lamp Burning A Monkey in Winter Germinal Love on a Pillow Of Flesh and Blood Cyrano and d'Artagnan Angelique Rape The Strangers Mission to Caracas Untamable Angelique Angelique: The Road To Versailles Le transfuge Angelique and the Sultan Two Weeks in September The Great Spy Chase The Devil and the Ten Commandments The Devil and the Ten Commandments The Looters Fantomas Demasque Any Number Can Win Abel Gance, Yesterday and Tomorrow Johnny Banco S.A.S. San Salvador Vice and Virtue Crime on a Summer Morning Nea Shock Troops OSS 117: Panic in Bangkok OSS 117: Mission for a Killer Four Nights of a Dreamer Jeff Gordon, Secret Agent Brigade Anti Gangs Circle of Love Symphony for a Massacre Un ange au paradis Cadet Rousselle Samedi soir Discorama