Enzo Bulgarelli Baron Blood Crime Busters Trinity Is Still My Name Il vetturale del Moncenisio Camilla Camilla Satiricosissimo Puzzle Sunset in Naples Farfallon Two Sons of Ringo Two Sons of Ringo The Nephews of Zorro The Nephews of Zorro Satiricosissimo Johnny Hamlet Johnny Hamlet One Dollar Too Many One Dollar Too Many Indovina chi viene a merenda? Franco e Ciccio... Ladro e Guardia The Humanoid Crema, cioccolata e... Paprika You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Wife David and Goliath The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete Bitter Waters Franco, Ciccio e il pirata Barbanera Franco, Ciccio e il pirata Barbanera Riderà! - Cuore matto The Prince with the Red Mask The Prince with the Red Mask Johnny Yuma Johnny Yuma A Prostitute Serving the Public and in Compliance with the Laws of the State Black Emanuelle 2 They Call Me Hallelujah White Fang White Fang White Fang $10,000 for a Massacre La ladra Ready for Anything The Mongols Flatfoot in Egypt Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! Amuck! The 5-Man Army Death Rides a Horse Vengeance Is Mine Prisoner of the Volga Kill and Pray Sign of the Gladiator Bosco d'amore The Lonely Lady Franco e Ciccio... Ladro e Guardia Le Amiche Zorro Even Angels Eat Beans Kill Them All and Come Back Alone Trinity Is Still My Name They Call Me Trinity Man of the East Man of the East A Woman at Her Window The Warrior and the Slave Girl The Sword and the Cross Ore 10: lezione di canto Daniele and Maria Daniele and Maria