Rolf Lassgård Second Act Surprise After the Wedding Chess Story To Love Someone Stockholm Marathon Murder at the Savoy Roseanna Cop Killer Storm The Slingshot So Different A Rational Solution The Potato Seller The Fire Engine That Disappeared The Hunters Angel The Man on the Balcony When in Rome Under the Sun Three Suns False Trail My Big Fat Father Family Secrets Black Island Sisters The Queen of Sheba's Pearls Such Is Life Capricciosa Quiet Freedom Fatal News Önskas One Step Behind The White Lioness Uferlos! Gossip Sommarmord Where The Rainbow Ends The Magnetist’s Fifth Winter The Tears of Saint Peter The Dogs of Riga Love Proof The Pyramid Miraklet i Viskan A Man Called Ove Limpan Bamse and the Secret of The Sea Bamse and the World's Smallest Adventure The Story of the Father Who Baked Princesses Their Frozen Dream The Lion Woman Downsizing Kennedy's Brain House of Fools The Swimmer Winnerbäck - A Kind of Life The Spy My Father Marianne Kyrkkaffe Ellas Geheimnis Rolf Lassgård – Ett Porträtt Bamse and the Volcano Island Sjöwall & Wahlöö - Berättelsen om ett brott Exit Bella Block Death of a Pilgrim Kvinnan i det låsta rummet Skavlan Hundarna i Riga Dag Hellenius Hörna Fröken Frimans krig Wallander: Sidetracked The Fifth Woman Kejsarn av Portugallien Mannen Som Log Wallander - Firewall Mördare utan ansikte The Fourth Man Fatal News Historien om ett brott The Dying Detective Wallander (Henning Mankells) The Hunters Den fördömde Sunes jul Fatal News Blackwater Möbelhandlarens dotter Exit The Guldbagge Awards The Guldbagge Awards The Investigation Whiskey on the Rocks