Lajos Koltai When a Man Loves a Woman Malena Evening Mephisto Just Cause Home for the Holidays Fateless Just Like at Home Sunshine Az utolsó tánctanár Der Snob Prés Stratagem Prelude Semmelweis Descending Angel White Palace Mobsters Max Wrestling Ernest Hemingway A lőcsei fehér asszony Ants' Nest Angi Vera Hanussen Confidence Gaby: A True Story Mother Homer and Eddie Heavenly Hosts A Priceless Day On the Sideline Adoption Epidemic Riddance The Stud Farm Sweet Emma, Dear Böbe Out to Sea Hűség a labirintushoz – Beszélgetés Pilinszky Jánossal Lírai beszélgetés Pilinszky Jánossal The Emperor's Club The Legend of 1900 A harmadik Being Julia Tisztelt cím! Ten Minutes Older: The Cello Archaic Torso The Agitators Rokonok Mario and the Magician Princess Time Stands Still Film Novel - Three Sisters The American Cigarette The Ninth Floor Holiday in Britain Wait a Sec! Honeymoons Mrs. Dery Where Are You? Meeting Venus Born Yesterday Colonel Redl Taking Sides Final Report Cat's Game Bali The Green Bird At the Lőrinc Spinnery