Roger Christian Memory: The Origins of Alien The Galaxy Britain Built: The British Force Behind Star Wars The Beast Within: Making Alien Alien, Terror in Space Alien Life of Brian The Final Cut Battlefield Earth Masterminds Nostradamus The Sender Underworld Lorca and the Outlaws Stranded Prisoners of the Sun Stranded Dangerous Intuition Black Angel Black Angel Star Wars The Sword of Thyrus The Sword of Thyrus The Sword of Thyrus The Sword of Thyrus Nostradamus Joseph and Mary The Dollar Bottom Akenfield American Daylight Bandido Bandido Bandido 13 Eerie The Last Remake of Beau Geste Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure Lorca and the Outlaws Return of the Jedi Riddle of the Black Cat And Soon the Darkness