Ugo Guerra Avenger of the Seven Seas Di qua, di là del Piave The Whip and the Body The Demon Nero's Mistress The Seducer Johnny Hamlet Ho ritrovato mio figlio The Two Marshals The Man Who Wagged His Tail Wrath of God Smog The Dirty Outlaws Violence and Love Dangerous Women The Whip and the Body Song of Naples You, Your Mother, and Me Akiko Akiko Wild Cats on the Beach Ischia operazione amore Lazzarella I piaceri dello scapolo I piaceri dello scapolo Mariti in pericolo Mariti in pericolo The Protagonists The Awakening Charge of the Black Lancers Moglie e buoi... Soledad Duel of Fire Little Girls and High Finance The Clowns Twenty Thousand Dollars for Seven Twenty Thousand Dollars for Seven Youth March The Rage Within Death of a Friend The Seducer Il cielo brucia Altair Pirates of the Coast Pirates of the Coast Guns of the Black Witch Guns of the Black Witch The Mongols The Mongols Everyone's in Love Queen of the Seas Queen of the Seas Duel of Fire Juke Box - Screams of Love Juke Box - Screams of Love The Mysteries of Paris The Counterfeiters I, Hamlet La passeggiata Friends for Life The Traffic Policeman Cifrato speciale Love at First Sight The Demon Wild Cats on the Beach The Rage Within The Rage Within Twenty Thousand Dollars for Seven Le signore La ragazzola La ragazzola A Bullet for Sandoval A Bullet for Sandoval A Bullet for Sandoval Solo per te Lucia Mars, God of War