Mark Metcalf Almost You Animal House Oscar The Legend Trip Drive Me Crazy Chilly Scenes of Winter The Stupids One Crazy Summer Rage Modus Operandi Warden of Red Rock Hijacking Hollywood Lone Hero Little Red I'm Your Man Billy Club Where the Buffalo Roam The Oasis Guilty Until Proven Innocent The Field A Futile and Stupid Gesture The Final Terror Hamlet A.D.D. We Will Rock You Fort McCoy Sleeper Character The Yearbook: An Animal House Reunion The Garden Party Joan Micklin Silver: Encounters with the New York Director Manlife Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster Mr. North Sorority Boys Animal House: The Inside Story Julia The Heavenly Kid Chilly Scenes of Winter The Waiting Room Ward Three Spare Change Mad Men Seinfeld Ally McBeal Dream On Star Trek: Voyager Touched by an Angel Miami Vice Angel Walker, Texas Ranger Hill Street Blues JAG Melrose Place Where Are They Now? Buffy the Vampire Slayer Teen Angel Teen Angel Teachers Only A Woman Named Jackie Renegade