Frédéric Dard San Antonio Blonde in a White Car A Legitimate Defense Is There a Frenchman in the House? San-Antonio ne pense qu'à ça Crime Does Not Pay Back to the Wall Double Agents The Night of the Suspects The Old Lady Who Walked in the Sea The Wretches The Empire of Night Le Caviar rouge Les Bras de la nuit Premeditated Daddy's Gang The Wretches Pensione Edelweiss Rendezvous Beru and These Women Is There a Frenchman in the House? Merry Christmas The Menace The Wicked Go to Hell Soft Skin on Black Silk Death Rite M'sieur la Caille Rendezvous Back to the Wall Back to the Wall Leon's Husband Coma Mausolée pour une garce Desperate Flight Paris Pick-Up The Accident House of Sin The Wretches Nulle part ailleurs Spécial cinéma Le Grand Échiquier Le Grand Échiquier Samedi soir 30 millions d'amis Apostrophes Champs-Elysées Vivement dimanche Sacrée soirée Sacrée soirée