Isabel Ruth Appassionate H2S The Mutants Primeira Obra A Woman's Revenge River of Gold The Green Years E o Tempo Passa O Delfim Blind Man's Bluff Peixe-Lua Rending If I Were a Thief... I'd Steal Oedipus Rex Xavier Where Is This Street? or With No Before or After Love Lights Around Rocha’s Table Man of the Crowds Change of Life The Uncertainty Principle A Fachada Romagem I’m Going Home Versailles Adriana Malvadez Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale Abraham's Valley Cold Day Treblinka Ossos Sunday Afternoon Magic Mirror The Strange Case of Angelica Vanity The Jester The Conversation Is Over The Heart's Root Anxiety Nights Weil ich dich liebe Hard Times Transfert Per Kamera Verso Virulentia Two Brothers, My Sister Portugal Não Está à Venda The Mountains of the Moon Rage Cold Land From Now On Alex Ashes and Embers Erros Meus Three Bridges on the River Guardian Angel The Frog and the Girl Moral Order Journey to Portugal Coma Voyage to the Beginning of the World Nadine Lourdes The Pedal Push Car Agosto Aniversário Sunday Fatima Ophelia Afar Medea Miracle Amor Cego Pax Where Is This Street? or With No Before or After Maigret Alta Definição Joaquim Letria Terra Instável Ajuste de Contas Diário de Maria Terra Brava The General