Krátky film Bratislava
Záleží na nás 1949
Svet najmenších 1949
Nová škola 1948
Čarovný prút 1948
Za práva ľudu 1948
Slovenské ráno 1949
Oslobodená dedina 1949
Neznáme ruky 1949
Pieseň strojov 1948
Pozdrav 1949
Bratislava 1949
Odkazy minulosti 1948
Documentary about the ethnographic museum in Turčanský sv. Martin, which represents the way of life of the Slavs, living in what used to be today's territory of Slovakia.
Zvonolejárky 1972
A poetic impression of the beauty and perfection of the work of the Dytrych bell casters, who cast new bells from bells destroyed by the war.