Charlie Chaplin City Lights The Great Dictator The Gold Rush The Pawnshop The Rink The Count Modern Times The Kid A Countess from Hong Kong The Tramp Between Showers Cruel, Cruel Love Dough and Dynamite Kid Auto Races at Venice Laughing Gas Mabel's Busy Day The Masquerader Mabel's Strange Predicament The Fatal Mallet The New Janitor Tillie's Punctured Romance Monsieur Verdoux The Adventurer The Real Charlie Chaplin Caught in a Cabaret Chaplin Today: 'A Woman of Paris' Hollywood Sophia Loren, une destinée particulière The Hollywood Clowns The Vagabond A King in New York Limelight The Circus A Dog's Life Chaplin at Keystone The Idle Class The Champion Yesterday and Today Easy Street The Immigrant Hitler: The Comedy Years A Jitney Elopement The Knockout Making a Living Twenty Minutes of Love A Film Johnnie Caught in the Rain His Favorite Pastime Tango Tangles Mabel at the Wheel A Busy Day The Star Boarder His Prehistoric Past Those Love Pangs The Rounders A Night Out His New Profession His Trysting Places Getting Acquainted By the Sea His Regeneration A Woman In the Park The Face on the Barroom Floor Gentlemen of Nerve Shanghaied Police His Musical Career The Bank A Burlesque on Carmen Recreation Work Mabel's Married Life His New Job The Property Man The Bond A Night in the Show The Cure The Floorwalker Shoulder Arms Nice and Friendly Camille The Fireman A Day's Pleasure Sunnyside One A.M. Behind the Screen Pay Day Triple Trouble The Pilgrim Her Friend the Bandit A Thief Catcher Chaplin's Limelight: Its Evolution and Intimacy The Professor The Legend of Rudolph Valentino La Grippe espagnole : La grande tueuse Smash His Camera Final Cut: Hölgyeim és uraim La Vie Commence Demain When Comedy Was King The Gentleman Tramp How to Make Movies All at Sea Crazy Days Seeing Stars Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage Hitler - Eine Karriere Going Hollywood: The '30s Sports on the Silver Screen Le Baron et l'Empereur : Japon, la voie de la guerre A Night at the Cinema in 1914 The Circus: Premiere A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate Chaplin Today: 'The Gold Rush' Hollywood on Parade No. B-5 The Golden Twenties The Dawn of Sound: How Movies Learned to Talk Souls for Sale Fußball Weltmeisterschaft 1954 Chaplin's Goliath La naissance de Charlot The Chaplin Puzzle Hollywoods Zweiter Weltkrieg Charlie Chaplin in Wien Życie i śmierci Maxa Lindera Chaplin Today: 'Monsieur Verdoux' Days of Thrills and Laughter Chaplin Today: 'Limelight' Chaplin Today: 'The Great Dictator' Chaplin Today: 'A King in New York' Chaplin Today: 'Modern Times' Mary Pickford une légende et une malédiction hollywoodiennes Chaplin Carnival Trip to Bali The Habit Breakers Улыбнись! Der ewige Jude Chaplin Today: 'City Lights' Charlie Butts In Mary Pickford: The Muse of the Movies Looking for Charlie: Or, the Day the Clown Died Charlie Chaplin: The Little Tramp All in Good Fun Lifetime of Comedy Show People Charlie Chaplin: A Tramp's Life Chaplin in Bali Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? The Tramp and the Dictator The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind ダンシング・チャップリン The Film Parade Warner at War The Chaplin Revue Star Power: The Creation Of United Artists Looking for Mabel Normand Sigrid Holmquist The Charlie Chaplin Festival Winston Churchill : Un géant dans le siècle Why Be Good?: Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema The Big Parade of Comedy Hollywood, la vie rêvée de Lana Turner And the Oscar Goes To... Propaganda : la fabrique du consentement It's Showtime The Chaplin Cavalcade Max Linder Visits Charlie Chaplin Chaplin Today: 'The Kid' FBI : le dossier Chaplin Cinecittà Babilonia: sesso, droga e camicie nere Duels: Chaplin - Keaton, le clochard milliardaire et le funambule déchu Charlie Chaplin at Mutual Studios I Visite de Charlie Chaplin à la Cinémathèque française Hollywood’s Children Bravo Charlot! 30 Years of Fun Chase Me Charlie Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté Zepped Charlie Chaplin Meets Harry Lauder Kings of Comedy: Masters of the Silent Screen Die Filmstadt Hollywood The Funniest Man in the World The Great Dictator: The Clown Turns Prophet Jackie Coogan: The First Child Star Charlie Chaplin: His Life & Work Wienfilm 1896-1976 Charlie's Triple Trouble A Burlesque on the Opera Carmen Charlie Chaplin: The Long Year at Essanay Douglas Fairbanks: The Great Swashbuckler Chaplin Today: 'The Circus' Buñuel en Hollywood Gene Kelly mène la danse City Lights City Lights City Lights City Lights City Lights The Great Dictator The Great Dictator The Great Dictator The Kid The Kid The Kid The Kid The Gold Rush The Gold Rush A Countess from Hong Kong A Countess from Hong Kong A Countess from Hong Kong The Rink The Rink The Pawnshop The Pawnshop The Count The Count The Count The Rink The Count The Rink The Pawnshop The Pawnshop Mabel at the Wheel Modern Times Modern Times Modern Times A diktátor (színházi felvétel) Monsieur Verdoux Monsieur Verdoux The Tramp The Tramp Dough and Dynamite Dough and Dynamite Laughing Gas The Masquerader The Masquerader The New Janitor The Adventurer The Adventurer The Adventurer The Vagabond The Vagabond The Vagabond The Vagabond A Dog's Life A Dog's Life Limelight A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate Limelight A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate A King in New York A King in New York A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate Limelight The Circus Limelight The Circus Limelight The Idle Class The Idle Class A Burlesque on the Opera Carmen The Champion The Champion Easy Street Easy Street Easy Street Easy Street The Immigrant A Jitney Elopement A Jitney Elopement The Professor Caught in the Rain Twenty Minutes of Love His New Profession Gentlemen of Nerve His Trysting Places His Trysting Places The Rounders Recreation His Prehistoric Past Mabel's Married Life The Property Man His Prehistoric Past The Face on the Barroom Floor The Rounders Those Love Pangs Getting Acquainted His Musical Career Getting Acquainted His New Job A Night Out Police In the Park Shanghaied The Floorwalker A Night Out Work A Night in the Show By the Sea The Bank A Burlesque on Carmen A Woman Police His New Job Shanghaied Work The Bank A Woman A Burlesque on Carmen A Night in the Show By the Sea The Bond Shoulder Arms Sunnyside The Fireman One A.M. The Bond One A.M. One A.M. Behind the Screen The Cure The Fireman The Fireman Triple Trouble A Day's Pleasure The Fireman Triple Trouble A Day's Pleasure One A.M. Sunnyside The Cure The Cure Triple Trouble Pay Day The Pilgrim Pay Day Nice and Friendly Nice and Friendly The Pilgrim The Idle Class How to Make Movies Charlie Chaplin - Frühe Meisterwerke 2 Charlie Chaplin - Frühe Meisterwerke 2 The Little Tramp His Favorite Pastime A King in New York Recreation Recreation A Film Johnnie The Immigrant The Immigrant Pay Day Pay Day Pay Day Modern Times Chaplin A Night in the Show The Champion The Kid Monsieur Verdoux Monsieur Verdoux Caught in the Rain Modern Times Charlie Butts In Charlie Butts In A Dog's Life A Dog's Life A Dog's Life Behind the Screen Behind the Screen Work The Gold Rush A Countess from Hong Kong The Pilgrim The Chaplin Revue A Day's Pleasure Limelight Shoulder Arms Shoulder Arms Tango Tangles En Büyük Şaban Optimism The Pilgrim Garip The Chaplin Revue The Chaplin Revue A King in New York Caught in a Cabaret The Chaplin Revue The Chaplin Revue The Circus The Gold Rush The Gold Rush The Circus The Charlie Chaplin Festival The Charlie Chaplin Festival The Circus The Circus Похороны Сталина A Busy Day A Busy Day In the Park Behind the Screen The Adventurer Mabel's Strange Predicament Kid Auto Races at Venice The Floorwalker Between Showers Shoulder Arms The Floorwalker The Floorwalker Shoulder Arms The Immigrant Chaplin Carnival The Chaplin Cavalcade The Chaplin Cavalcade Chaplin Carnival Chaplin Carnival The Chaplin Cavalcade The Great Dictator Charlie Chaplin at Mutual Studios I Mabel's Busy Day The Face on the Barroom Floor The Masquerader Her Friend the Bandit His Trysting Places Getting Acquainted In the Park The Property Man The Face on the Barroom Floor His New Profession His Musical Career Those Love Pangs Laughing Gas The New Janitor The Knockout Mabel's Married Life His New Profession The Rounders His Prehistoric Past The New Janitor Dough and Dynamite Shanghaied His Musical Career A Jitney Elopement Gentlemen of Nerve His New Job The Bank The Property Man Those Love Pangs A Woman Gentlemen of Nerve By the Sea The Tramp A Night Out The Idle Class The Idle Class Sunnyside Sunnyside Chase Me Charlie Chase Me Charlie The Cure The Cure A Day's Pleasure A Day's Pleasure Charlie Chaplin Meets Harry Lauder A Woman of the Sea Charlie Chaplin Meets Harry Lauder Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté The Pilgrim How to Make Movies The DuPont Show of the Week The Oscars Unknown Chaplin American Experience Spécial cinéma Le Siècle des icônes Star Life Sacrée soirée