الكلمة الرئيسية Death Of Father
كيف تروض تنينك 2 2014
يتحالف "هيكاب" و"توثليس" وراكب تنانين غامض لحماية جزيرة "بيرك" من محارب متعطّش للسيطرة ولديه جيشه الخاصّ من التنانين... فمن سينتصر؟
مكان هادئ الجزء الثاني 2021
بعد الأحداث في المنزل ، تواجه عائلة أبوت الآن أهوال العالم الخارجي. مجبرين على المغامرة في المجهول ، يدركون أن المخلوقات التي تصطاد بالصوت ليست التهديدات الوحيدة التي تكمن وراء المسار الرملي.
لامغامرات عائلة هاي وود 2022
يواجه الشقيقان المتباعدان "إم" و"أو جاي" كيانًا غريبًا يتربص في السماء عندما يرثان مزرعة العائلة للخيول عقب موت والدهما المفاجئ.
رجل الشمال 2022
تدور الأحداث في القرن العاشر، وفي قلب صفوف الفايكنج في آيسلندا، حيث تبدأ رحلة من الانتقام والألم والصراع الذي لا ينتهي، من خلال مجموعة من الشخصيات التي تتقابل قصصهم.
تحذير! 2024
تكشف جندية مغوارة في القوات الخاصة عن مؤامرة خطرة عندما تعود إلى مسقط رأسها للوصول إلى الحقيقة وراء موت والدها الحبيب.
نهوض كوكب القردة 2011
داخل أروقة مدينة سان فرانسيسكو تجري العديد من التجارب العلمية وخاصة تجارب الهندسة الوراثية، تلك المرة يحاول العالم (ويل رودمان) إجراء بحوث حول علاج مرض الزهايمر فيلجأ إلى إجراء تجارب علمية على القرود، ولكن تثمر تلك التجارب عن زيادة ذكاء القرود، مما يؤدي إلى إثارة الوضع وتفوق القرود على البشر، وهنا تبدأ شرارة الحرب.
ولادة نجمة 2018
يكتشف الموسيقار المخضرم جاكسون مين - ويقع في حب - الفنانة آلي. لقد تخلت عن حلمها في ان تكون مغنية شهيرة. لكن حتى مع انطلاق مهنتها، ينهار الجانب الشخصي من علاقتهما، حيث يحارب جاك معركة مستمرة مع شياطينه الداخلية.
The Karate Kid Part II 1986
يذهب دانيال مع معلمه مياجي إلى أوكيانو، وبينما يزور مياجي والده المحتضر ويواجه منافسه القديم، حيث يقع دانيال في الحب ليصنع بنفسه المتاعب التي لا تنتهي.
The King's Speech 2010
يروي خطاب الملك قصة الرجل الذي أصبح الملك جورج السادس ، والد الملكة إليزابيث الثانية. بعد تنازل شقيقه عن العرش ، تولى جورج ("بيرتي") العرش على مضض. يعاني بيرتي من تلعثم مخيف ويعتبر غير لائق ليكون ملكًا ، ويساعد معالج النطق غير التقليدي ليونيل لوج. من خلال مجموعة من التقنيات غير المتوقعة ، ونتيجة لصداقة غير متوقعة ، أصبح بيرتي قادرًا على إيجاد صوته وقيادة البلاد بجرأة إلى الحرب.
The Power of the Dog 2021
تدور الأحداث حول شقيقين يعيشان في مزرعة عائلية كبيرة في مونتانا، وسرعان ما تتدهور العلاقة بينهما فينقلبا ضد بعضهما البعض مع زواج أحدهما.
Shallow Hal 2001
يقع رجل ضحل في حب امرأة تزن 300 باوند بسبب "جمالها الداخلي".
هنا سأتركك 2014
مرحبًا بك في بيتك. الحصول على غير مرتاح. عندما يتوفى والدهم ، يعود أربعة أشقاء بالغين مرهقين من العالم إلى منزل طفولتهم ويطلب منهم - مع تحذير - البقاء هناك معا لمدة أسبوع ، جنبا إلى جنب مع والدتهم التي تتحدث بحرية ومجموعة من الأزواج ، السابقين والذين ربما كانوا. بينما يعيد الإخوة والأخوات فحص تاريخهم المشترك ووضع كل علاقة ممزقة بين أولئك الذين يعرفونهم ويحبونهم بشكل أفضل ، فإنهم يعيدون الاتصال بطرق مضحكة بشكل هستيري وذات أهمية عاطفية.
Horrible Bosses 2011
بالنسبة لنيك وكيرت وديل ، فإن الشيء الوحيد الذي سيجعل الطحن اليومي أكثر احتمالًا هو دفع رؤسائهم الذين لا يطاقون إلى الغبار. الإقلاع عن التدخين ليس خيارًا ، لذلك ، مع الاستفادة من عدد قليل جدًا من المشروبات وبعض النصائح المشكوك فيها من محتال سابق صاخب ، يبتكر الأصدقاء الثلاثة خطة معقدة ويبدو أنها مضمونة لتخليص أنفسهم من أصحاب عملهم ... بشكل دائم.
EverAfter 1998
Closer 2004
أطفال الذئب 2012
تدور احداث القصة في طوكيو عن فتاة جامعية تدعى هانا تقع في حب رجل مستذئب وتنجب منه طفلين، ابنتها تدعى يوكي وابنها أصغر من اخته بسنة أسمه آمي، يقتل والدهم في حادث اثناء صيد الطعام لأولاده، وتعيش هانا حياة صعبة في تربية أولادها.
عقل صغير عبقري 2014
في عالم صعب الفهم، (ناثان) يناضل من أجل التواصل مع المحيطين به -وأهمهم هي والدته التي يحبها بشدة- لكنه يجد الراحة في الأرقام، عندما يؤخذ (ناثان) تحت جناح المعلم (همفريز) الغير تقليدي والفوضوي، يكونان صداقة غير عادية، فمواهب (ناثان) وفرت له مكانًا في الفريق البريطاني في أولمبياد الرياضيات الدولي. من ضواحي (إنجلترا) إلى صخب (تايبيه) في (تايوان) والعودة مرة أخرى
夕陽天使 2002
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close 2011
بعد عام من وفاة والده ، يكتشف أوسكار ، وهو صبي صغير مضطرب ، مفتاحًا غامضًا يعتقد أن والده تركه له ويشرع في البحث عن القفل المطابق.
The Rich Son 2018
Lee Gwang Jae is the son of a rich family who is reckless and immature. His father dies and leaves behind large debts. Gwang Jae promises to pay off his debt for his father's honor, but it's not as easy as he thinks. Kim Young Ha supports Gwang Jae with her positive personality and love, giving encouragement to him whenever he needs it.
Six Feet Under 2001
When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.
What Will You Do, Ieyasu? 2023
The drama series depicts the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (January 31, 1543 – June 1, 1616). Takechiyo (who later becomes Tokugawa Ieyasu) was born as the son of a poor and powerless daimyo. Takechiyo lost his father during a war. He grew up lonely and away from his mother. Takechiyo didn't have a clue about what his future would hold. He then has a dramatic meeting with the young Oda Nobunaga.
Brothers and Sisters 2006
The close-knit Walker family deals with struggles and triumphs.
Eclipse of the Heart 2023
Pareena's life had always been beautifully perfect until the demise of her father, who was like her life's sunshine. After her father's death, Pareena discovered a mystery surrounding his untimely demise and thus began a journey of discovering the mystery and restoring her father's honour. The more she digs, the more she learns how different human personalities can be in front of different people. This is not just for her later father, but also for Korn who behaves like a rebel with a free spirit, and Karn who has always been her perfect brother. The more she digs the more she realises that where there is sunshine there are also shadows. Humans can do wrong. Nobody is truly perfect.
Golden Garden 2019
Eun Dong-Joo attempts to get back her stolen life. When she was 6 years-old, she was abandoned at an orphanage. She did not remember anything except her name. Despite her difficult environment, she has grown into a woman with a positive and bright personality.
Chasing Life 2014
April, an aspiring journalist, is balancing her ambitious career with her family and a new office romance. In an unexpected twist of fate, April learns that she has leukemia.
The Corner of Love 2023
The story of Fang Ling, a white-collar worker in a divorced city, with her son, and Chen Juyi, an elite man who is also divorced with a daughter. They accidentally live in the same new house and fell in love with each other.
Drops of God 2023
While the world of wine mourns the death of Alexandre Léger, his estranged daughter, Camille, learns his extraordinary collection is now hers. But before she can claim her inheritance, Camille must best Alexandre's protégé, Issei, in a test of their senses.
Interlocking Hearts on Chao Phraya 2023
Srinuan is the daughter of the village headman of Laantey, Ayudhaya. She is extremely beautiful and gifted in martial arts. These qualities lead to a continuous line of men who are always willing to win the heart of Srinuan. One of these suitors is Saming. Lersun, a military cadet and son of the governor, decides to one day travel to Laantey during his school break. This is where he happens to see Srinuan for the first time while she is performing the traditional dance. It is love at first sight. This love is soon reciprocated and both Lersun and Srinuan quickly lose themselves to the depths of love and passion.
Conniving Bedfellows 2023
In her youth, Orayanee had dropped out of university to get married. From that marriage, she had two daughters: Petchroi, a soft-spoken girl like her mother, then Ployroong whose nature is tough and enterprising. Throughout her marriage, she was only ever permitted to care for her husband and children, nothing more. When her husband dies, everyone begins to ignore Orayanee, including her daughters who've inherited the house and his business. It is at this time that Phumek, an old friend of Orayanee returns to her life. Petchroi finds herself disappointed with love when her boyfriend cheats on her. Soon Tacha appears in her life with some hidden agenda.
Tin Tem Jai 2023
The lively and adorable Tin has had a life-long dream to marry the older boy in the neighborhood, Park. While the two of them have grown up together, Tin has been rejected countless times, but he still can't quite get over the boy next door. In order to make his dream come true, Tin decides to do everything in his power to get together with Park, and to never let his true love slip away!
Brotherly Love 1995
Brotherly Love is an American sitcom that ran from September 16, 1995 to April 1, 1996, on NBC, and then moved to The WB, where it aired from September 15, 1996 until May 18, 1997. The series was created by Jonathan Schmock and Jim Vallely, and produced by Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Touchstone Television and Walt Disney Television. The primary focus of the series is on the relationship of three brothers, played by Joey Lawrence, Matthew Lawrence and Andrew Lawrence.
Fight 2008
The drama about men who engage in fights and the deep bond that develops between them.
Shenmue the Animation 2022
After he witnesses his father’s murder at the family dojo, Ryo Hazuki dedicates his life to finding the man responsible — a mission that takes him from the streets of Yokosuka, Japan to the sprawling metropolis of Hong Kong, and beyond. Soon he’ll learn that larger, mystical forces are at play as he trains to become the ultimate martial artist in his quest for revenge.
Behind the Revenge 2023
Ponwalai, Yodthian's sister, is Prakob's mistress. He devoted his money and himself to her, but she already had another man. When Prakob finds out, he dies of a heart attack and leaves lots of his assets to Ponwalai, which results in his son Noppharuj being furious at both her and Yodthian. Noppharuj chases after them to get revenge, and Yodthian lets him do whatever he wants because she feels guilty over her sister's actions.
Genesis 2021
A man who digs into his mother's mysterious death meeting humans with the same faces as him one by one and becoming embroiled in a bigger conspiracy.
In Memoriam 2024
Following the death of their father, a businessman's heirs must go through a series of troubling tests that bring back the wounds of their childhood, in order to get their hands on $84 million. But their memories of an abusive childhood put their family bond in jeopardy.
The Fanelli Boys 1990
The Fanelli Boys is an American sitcom that aired on NBC as part of its 1990-91 prime time schedule. The series was created by the team of Barry Fanaro, Mort Nathan, Kathy Speer, and Terry Grossman, all of whom previously worked on The Golden Girls.
True Dare Kiss 2007
True Dare Kiss is a British television drama produced for BBC One. It is written by Debbie Horsfield and produced by Marcus Wilson and features Dervla Kirwan, David Bradley and Lorraine Ashbourne. It concerns the reunion of four sisters and a brother following the death of their estranged father, uncovering the truth, hiding secrets, and a cataclysmic event in the past. The series, set in the city of Manchester in the North-West of England, was aired in six parts from 28 June 2007. Filming for the series began on 8 January 2007.