Troll 2022
في أعماق جبل دوفر، يستيقظ شيء عملاق بعد ألف عام في الأسر، ويبدأ المخلوق في تدمير كل شيء في طريقه ويقترب بسرعة من أوسلو واضعًا حياة الجميع على المحك.
في أعماق جبل دوفر، يستيقظ شيء عملاق بعد ألف عام في الأسر، ويبدأ المخلوق في تدمير كل شيء في طريقه ويقترب بسرعة من أوسلو واضعًا حياة الجميع على المحك.
الوقت ينفد. مسلحا بكلمة واحدة فقط - تينيت - ويقاتل من أجل بقاء العالم بأسره ، يسافر بطل الرواية عبر عالم الشفق من التجسس الدولي في مهمة ستتكشف في شيء يتجاوز الوقت الحقيقي.
سجلات أربع سنوات في حياة جولي، وهي امرأة شابة تتنقل في المياه المضطربة في حياتها العاطفية وتكافح من أجل العثور على مسار حياتها المهنية، مما دفعها إلى إلقاء نظرة واقعية على من هي حقًا.
تدور أحداث الفيلم حول المحقق (هاري هول) الذي يحقق في حادثة اختفاء امرأة، والتي عُثر على وشاحها الوردي ملفوف حول رجل ثلجي معروف بأنه نذير شؤم.
"ولي العهد المراهق" هي قصّة حُبّ تدور حول تقبّل الأخطاء والتغلّب على المخاوف والشهرة على الإنترنت. وذلك حين تتأجّج مشاعر الحبّ بين الأمير "كارل يوهان" (يؤدّي دوره "ماتياس ستورهاي") المعروف بـ"كالي" لدى أصدقائه، وبين جارته الجديدة "لينا" (تؤدّي دورها "ينيس هويسيتر أسرسون")، التي تتردّد لأسباب عديدة رُغم انجذابها الشديد نحوه. ولطالما كان أمير الحزب "كالي" دائم الظهور في الصحف الشعبية والمدوّنات التي تنشر الشائعات والأقاويل، والتي كانت "لينا" نفسها تُدير إحداها في الخفاء، حتّى يُكشَف أمرها. لذا، تُدرك "لينا" بألم مدى صعوبة التحديّات التي قد تترتّب على علاقتها مع الملك المستقبلي، خاصّة في ظلّ عدم اطّلاع "كالي" أيضًا، ولا أيّ شخص آخر، على سرّها الخطير الذي انتقلت على أثره مُرغمة من مسقط رأسها.
(ثيلما) امرأة تشرع بالوقوع في الحب، فقط لتكتشف أنها تمتلك قوى رائعة.
انتهت الحفلة الراقصة في العام الماضي بأحداث محتدمة ومؤثرة للأميرة "مارغريت"، غير أنها لم تجرؤ على الإفصاح لأيٍّ كان عما حدث ليلة دخولها المستشفى. وحين تخطط العائلة المالكة الدنماركية فجأة للسفر إلى النرويج، تجد الأميرة "مارغريت" فرصتها أخيرًا لمقابلة الأمير الدنماركي الوسيم الذي كانت تتحدث معه منذ شهور. وبينما تتراكم الصراعات بين أفراد العائلة المالكة النرويجية، تجد نفسها في مفترق طريق بين رعاية عائلتها والتظاهر بأنها أميرة قوية والشعور بالضعف في خضم سعيها وراء الحب.
"سيجنا" و"توماس"، في علاقة تنافسية غير صحية تأخذ منعطفا شريراً عندما ينطلق صديقها "توماس" فجأة للشهرة. ومحاولات "سيجنا" اليائسة لاستعادة مكانتها.
The story of young teenagers and pupils from Hartvig Nissens upper secondary school in Oslo, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.
Exit is based on the true stories of four men in their mid-30s, who all became multi-millionaires before the age of thirty. Attempting to escape from their obligations, expectations and families, they employ drugs, prostitutes, and their very own set of morals.
Tired of the constant comments on her relationship status, perpetually single Johanne starts a 24-day hunt for a boyfriend to bring home for Christmas.
In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.
Lieutenant Erling Riiser is on his way back to Norway after a long stay in Afghanistan. Much has gone wrong, several soldiers are missing from the Hercelus-plane. After only one day in Norway, Erling receives a text message saying an old acquaintance from Afghanistan is in Oslo - which can mean only one thing: A woman's life is in danger
A group of people arrive at Oslo airport. Some to welcome their loved ones, some to fly home to their families, and some who want to fly away and escape Christmas. But in one way or another, their Christmas mission goes awry. They are all stranded at the airport and the clock is ticking… only 24 hours til Christmas - so what do they do?
When a project to build a thousand flats in Oslo is put out to tender, architect Julie has an idea: why not convert empty underground car parks into residential buildings? A pitch-black, keenly observed satire about an all-too-near future.
Policeman Moaz Ibrahim is forced into living a dangerous double life with the criminal gang Enemiez as an attempt to keep his shady past hidden from the outside world.
Dumbsday is a comedy-drama which plays with the conventions of post-apocalyptic TV series. The world has gone to hell in every possible way – and only seven people have survived. The show begins with our seven main characters trapped in an under-ground train tunnel in Oslo. Will they survive? And can these people really be the future of humanity?
At her Norwegian fertility clinic, doctor Elin offers patients a chance to become parents. Elin is always empathetic and professional - yet more than anything, she longs for the same opportunity herself. And as her frustration grows, Elin becomes prepared to risk her relationships and career in order to start a family of her own.
The series follows four girls – Anniken Jørgensen, Isabel Raad, Sophie Elise and Nora Haukland. We get a glimpse of luxurious parties, girls' trip to Ibiza and personal challenges.
Abdi is torn between being a good muslim and an ordinary Norwegian teenager. He doesn't feel he lives up to expectations at home, at school, or among his friends.
Romantic series about two people that meet at a blind date.
Ida has just arrived in Oslo to study psychology at the University, after dropping out of her literature studies in Trondheim. Ida's is anxious for most things. Not getting of the bus at the right stop, running out of toilet paper on the public toilet, environmental changes and world war three. But her greatest fear is terror. There is nothing that frightens her more than being a victim of a random attack.
Five boys meet in their teens. This lays the foundation for a career in crime, driven on by the dream of the big heist. Police are becoming aware of them, but the biggest threat is proving to be their own friendship. "Ran" is a high-profile television drama for four episodes. It a mix of drama and action, which is about both spectacular robberies, and about friendship and affiliation. The dilemma the gang encounters is similar to what most of us experience: there comes a point in life where the roads separate, where you realize that you and your old friends have grown apart. This causes a bigger problems for these guys, as this break is not just a little sad and melancholy experience - it is also a threat to their life, their future and their identity.
"Hellfjord" is the story of the urban police officer Salmander - second generation Pakistani immigrant - who, after somewhat accidentally killing his police horse in front of thousands of children, gets relocated to the location farthest north in Norway: Hellfjord. Hellfjord is archetypical small Norwegian hick village, populated by simple-minded people keenly interested in keeping to themselves. But when Salmander scratches the surface, he discovers a secret that will turn Hellfjord upside down. Maybe even inside out.
The year is 1999, the city is Oslo and we follow the everyday life of a gang of friends in the heart of Norwegian gang crime's golden age.
A lavish royal drama that tells the incredible love story of King Harald and Queen Sonja, and how their love almost plunged Norway into a constitutional crisis.
Based on the Norwegian comedian Jonis Josef's childhood.