مريم 2024
تتكشف تفاصيل رحلة "مريم" العذراء التي انتهت بولادة "المسيح"، بما تتضمنه من مفهوم إعجازي يلاحقه مَلِك قاسٍ في مطاردة مميتة، في هذه الملحمة الإنجيلية عن البلوغ والنضج.
تتكشف تفاصيل رحلة "مريم" العذراء التي انتهت بولادة "المسيح"، بما تتضمنه من مفهوم إعجازي يلاحقه مَلِك قاسٍ في مطاردة مميتة، في هذه الملحمة الإنجيلية عن البلوغ والنضج.
آخر اثنتي عشرة ساعة من حياة يسوع الناصري مقتبس من الأحداث التي حدثت للمسيح من اعتقال ومحاكمة وأخيراً الصلب ومن ثم قيامة المسيح بحسب الرواية المسيحية.
يهوذا بن حور ، يهودي فلسطيني ، يحارب الإمبراطورية الرومانية في زمن المسيح. أفعاله ترسله هو وعائلته للعبودية ، لكن لقاء ملهم مع يسوع يغير كل شيء. يلتقي أخيرًا بمنافسه في سباق عربات مشهور حقًا وينقذ عائلته التي تعاني.
أول من ينتهي. آخر من يموت. نجا أحد النبلاء المتهمين زورا من سنوات من العبودية للانتقام من أفضل صديق له الذي خانه.
تُروى قصة حياة يسوع منذ ولادته المتواضعة من خلال تعاليمه وصلبه وقيامته في نهاية المطاف.
في طريقه للخروج من البرية، يكافح يسوع مع إبليس حول مصير عائلة في أزمة، ويضع نفسه لاختبار دراماتيكي
The life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him called The Chosen.
Dramatizes the Birth, Life, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, largely according to the Holy Bible's New Testament Gospels.
One fateful night, two girls die in an accident but miraculously come back to life at the same time. Bro crosses the paths of Mira, a blind orphan girl, and Joy, a misunderstood teenager, and leads them to renew the faith community of a small town called Hermoso. In the course of their mission to rebuild the church, they also uncover the secret of their identity.
"A.D. The Bible Continues" picks up where the smash hit miniseries "The Bible" left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The immediate aftermath of Christ's death had a massive impact on his disciples, his mother, Mary, and key political and religious leaders of the era, completely altering the entire world in an instant. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, "A.D. The Bible Continues" will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and spread the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest, and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.
The series features twenty-four stories from the New Testament, including many of the parables of Jesus, the story of his birth, death and resurrection. The series concludes with two episodes about Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys.
Bibleman is an 1995-2010 American video series with an evangelical superhero character. The series includes videos, books and live shows, where they tour locations around North America.
The first ever made for TV miniseries documents the story of Jesus Christ from birth to resurrection.
A series of programmes exploring great figures and events from biblical times. Historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence gives fresh insights into the historical realities of the times. Stylish drama re-enactments, CGI graphics, and expert opinions offer a comprehensive exploration into some of the Bible's most compelling people and stories. Was Mary Magdalene really a prostitute? Where was St Peter laid to rest? Did Joseph actually have a 'coat of many colours'? Did Herod really order the massacre of the innocents? This series answers these questions and more.
Christian communicator Karl Faase takes an intellectual look at the evidence for the existence of Jesus and His impact on the world.
Jesus Christ goes from being born in a manger to the proclaimed King of the Jews. Walk where He walked, see what He did, and stand where He died. What made Him more than just a man in the eyes of some, but an impostor to others.
Witness the story of Jesus, beginning with his birth in Bethlehem, to his crucifixion, death, and triumphant resurrection. Filmed mostly on location in the Holy Land.
2000 Jahre Christentum is a German documentary series on the history of Christianity prior to the year 1999. This series explores the archeology and origins of Christianity and how it came into the world. Filmed on location in actual historical and biblical sites, this series features many memorable, full-scale dramatic re-creations.
Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan. This is a 2 episode OVA preceding the movie of the same name.
The epic story of the emergence of Christianity in just over a century, from the death of Jesus of Nazareth, around the year 30, to the moment when the leaders and followers of the new faith, already scattered throughout the eastern Mediterranean, from Jerusalem to Rome, are definitely moving away from Judaism, around the year 150.
It is said to be one of the oldest books in the world. Has it been altered? If yes why? A remarkable journey back in time to see what the Old Testament and the New Testament is hiding from us.
Jesus of Nazareth, the founding figure of Christianity, is also an exceptional character in the Koran. Why? In what way? A deep investigation around the world exploring the rise of Islam during the time of prophet Muhammad.
Santino, played by Zaijian Jaranilla, is an orphan boy who became a ward of the local parish church shortly after he was born and was thus raised by priests. Longing for the love of his biological mother, he crosses paths with Jesus whom he affectionately nicknamed "Bro". Upon being granted healing powers, Santino sets out to aid those surrounding him in his home town, from folks with illness, to hardened criminals and disillusioned men who bitterly left their faith.
Around J.C. we find the apostles Peter, Simon and Judas, as well as Mary, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate, John the Baptist. Cartoon characters and short scenes, each episode tackles the great stories around JC's life with lightness and humor.