
رامبو 2008


جون رامبو يعيش في تايلند في قرية نائية بالقرب من الحدود البورمية؛ حيث يكسب لقمة عيشه من التقاط الثعابين وبيعها، ونقل الناس بواسطة قاربه عبر نهر سالويين، وفي الوقت نفسه تدور حرب أهلية في بورما، ثم يأتي فريق مغامر يحاول إنقاذ تلك المنطقة؛ حيث يطلبون من رامبو إيصالهم لتلك المنطقة.


Rambo III

Rambo III 1988


لقد أثر القتال على رامبو ، لكنه بدأ أخيرًا في إيجاد السلام الداخلي في أحد الأديرة. عندما طلب صديق ومعلم رامبو الكولونيل تراوتمان مساعدته في مهمة سرية للغاية إلى أفغانستان ، رفض رامبو ولكن يجب أن يعيد النظر عندما يتم القبض على تراوتمان.


ثلاث عشرة حياة

ثلاث عشرة حياة 2022


بناء على قصَّة حقيقية جذبت اهتمام العالم، "ثلاث عشرة حياة" هي رواية مشوقة عن إنقاذ فريق كرة قدم للفتيان من كهف تام لوانغ في تايلندا بعد أن كانوا قد علقوا فيه بفعل الأمطار الغزيرة والفبضانات الخطيرة.


The Man with the Golden Gun

The Man with the Golden Gun 1974


يبحث الناشط الحكومي اللطيف " جيمس بوند " عن اختراع مسروق يمكنه تحويل حرارة الشمس إلى سلاح مدمر. سرعان ما يتقاطع مع فرانسيسكو سكارامانجا المهدد ، وهو رجل قاتل ماهر للغاية لديه رسوم عمل مكونة من سبعة أرقام. ينضم بوند بعد ذلك إلى ماري جودنايت التي ترتدي ملابس السباحة ، ويتعقبان معًا سكارامانجا إلى مخبأ جزيرة استوائية حيث يجذب القاتل المأجور الجاسوس اللامع إلى متاهة مميتة لمبارزة أخيرة.


The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957


القصة الكلاسيكية لأسرى حرب إنجليز في بورما أجبرت على بناء جسر لمساعدة المجهود الحربي لآسريهم اليابانيين. يتآمر ضباط المخابرات البريطانية والأمريكية على تفجير الهيكل ، لكن الكولونيل نيكولسون ، القائد الذي أشرف على بناء الجسر ، اكتسب إحساسًا بالفخر في إنشائه ويحاول إفشال خططهم.


Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer 2011


القصة الحقيقية لراكب الأمواج بيثاني هاميلتون ، التي فقدت ذراعها في هجوم سمكة قرش وتغلبت بشجاعة على كل الصعاب لتصبح بطلة مرة أخرى ، من خلال تصميمها المطلق وإيمانها الراسخ.


The White Lotus

The White Lotus 2021


Follow the exploits of various guests and employees at an exclusive tropical resort over the span of a week as with each passing day, a darker complexity emerges in these picture-perfect travelers, the hotel’s cheerful employees and the idyllic locale itself.



Departures 2008


From epic landscapes and unforgettable culture, to the often trying times that come with international travel, Departures chronicles the unforgettable friendships, personal successes and sometimes crushing disappointments that befall travellers Scott Wilson and Justin Lukach on their journey. Departures is as much about the journey as it is the destination.


30 Degrees in February

30 Degrees in February 2012


Follow a group of Swedes who've left the snow and cold of Scandinavia for the warm, sandy beaches of Thailand in the dead of winter. Why? To embark on a life-changing adventure, a fresh start and a new life, of course.


Detective Chinatown

Detective Chinatown 2020


Strange crimes occur in Thailand as the ranking for the world's best detective sees a shift. New detectives come into the picture to tackle three difficult cases.


The Real Marigold on Tour

The Real Marigold on Tour 2016


Having road-tested retirement in India, Miriam Margoyles, Wayne Sleep, Bobby George and Rosemary Shrager are reunited to discover what it is like to grow old in other countries around the world.


4Freaks 4Fam

4Freaks 4Fam 2019


Two brothers and one sister live in the same house. Moopa was born and raised in Thailand, Ji Sun just moved from Mexico and Truffle came from London. One day, they found out that they have another sister, Lin Zhi, who's moving into their house. The lives of these four siblings from different races living together turns into chaos.


Tomorrow and I

Tomorrow and I 2024


This series reimagines Thailand in a dystopian future where technology scrapes at the surface of old customs, exposing rips in the fabric of culture.


The Serpent

The Serpent 2021


The remarkable story of how murderer Charles Sobhraj was captured. As the chief suspect in unsolved murders of young Western travellers across India, Thailand and Nepal’s ‘Hippie Trail’ in 1975 and 1976, Sobhraj had repeatedly slipped from the grasp of authorities worldwide to become Interpol's most wanted man, with arrest warrants on three different continents.


Anna and the King

Anna and the King 1972


A stern schoolteacher clashes with an aristocratic 19th-century king.


Bangkok Love Stories: Hey, You!

Bangkok Love Stories: Hey, You! 2018


A loving couple become rivals when Belle opens a fusion bistro next to her ex-boyfriend Kram’s traditional restaurant in Bangkok’s chic Ari district.


Bangkok Hilton

Bangkok Hilton 1989


This classic Australian mini series was originally broadcast in 1989 as three 90 minute episodes and tells the story of a young woman who goes in search of the father she has never known. Her search takes her from Australia to England and then on to Bangkok. There she meets up with a charming young man, Arkie Regan, who plants drugs in her luggage and leaves her to her fate when the authorities find them during a routine search at the airport. Following her imprisonment in the notorious Bangkok Hilton prison she awaits the decision of the authorities on whether she should face the death penalty.


Thailand: Earth's Tropical Paradise

Thailand: Earth's Tropical Paradise 2017


Go beyond Thailand's beaches to discover a sacred kingdom of awe-inspiring beauty. This series takes in the towering limestone cliffs, the paddy fields, the hidden temples and the teeming city of Bangkok, before visiting the forests of the north where ancient tribes practice time-honoured traditions and tigers still stalk the forests. Thailand: Earth’s Tropical Paradise reveals a land that is worlds away from the familiar tourist trails.


Drag Race Thailand

Drag Race Thailand 2018


Art Arya hosts the Thai version of the hit TV show "RuPaul’s Drag Race" alongside Pangina Heals as her co-host.


Tsunami: The Aftermath

Tsunami: The Aftermath 2006


Tsunami: The Aftermath is a television mini-series that was broadcast in two parts in 2006. It dramatizes the events following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the resulting tsunami in Thailand. Tsunami: The Aftermath is a joint production of HBO and the BBC and stars Tim Roth, Toni Collette, Sophie Okonedo, Samrit Machielsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Savannah Loney. It was filmed in Phuket and Khao Lak, Thailand from April to June 2006. Phuket and Khao Lak were two of the worst hit areas in the country in the December 26, 2004 disaster.


Love Destiny

Love Destiny 2018


In the past, the cruel and selfish Karakade was betrothed to Date, a man who despises her wickedness and prefers a kinder woman. In a fit of jealousy, Karakade tries to kill her rival, but a servant dies instead. While Karakade is suspected, her murderous intentions can’t be confirmed. So Date and his dad perform a sacred ritual to punish the killer. At this pivotal moment, Karakade dies and her spirit is replaced by Kadesurang's.


The Black Box on Earth

The Black Box on Earth 2023


In 2049, the only remaining data center "Black Box" on the planet rendered uninhabitable by climate disaster. The recorder who resides in "Black Box" accidentally brings out the documentary made by 2023 musicians... The last record on earth left with music on the fast-destroying earth, "The Black Box on Earth"!


Tsunami: Race Against Time

Tsunami: Race Against Time 2024


The definitive story of the deadly 2004 tsunami as it travels from country to country, with unseen archive video and untold stories of survival.


Rubio in Search of the Lost Taste

Rubio in Search of the Lost Taste 2019


Chef Rubio's journey in search of the real ones flavors of the Far East will affect Thailand, China and Vietnam. As always, the chef will alternate stages in large cities with stages in small country villages, in order to show the public what the real local gastronomy is.


Shocking Asia Reboot: Thailand

Shocking Asia Reboot: Thailand 2022


The unique culture of Southeast Asia's exotic and exotic cultures is eye-opening! "Thailand Pass" took everyone to Thailand, a tourist destination for Hong Kong people, to explore the myths about Thailand's traditional customs in the documentary, starting from the unique customs and customs, to explore different local methods of seeking gods and divination. Satisfy the curiosity of the audience. Of course, this show also led everyone to travel around Thailand, visiting themed coffee shops, sighing special delicacies, and relaxing massages. You will find that strange things are also integrated into daily life!