كيلرز اوف ذا فلاور مون

كيلرز اوف ذا فلاور مون 2023


عند اكتشاف وجود نفط في "أوكلاهوما" خلال العشرينيات على أرض أمة "أوساج"، يتعرض قوم "أوساج" إلى التقتيل واحداً تلو الآخر، حتى يتدخل "إف بي آي" لحلّ اللغز.



كازينو 1995


في أوائل السبعينيات من القرن الماضي في لاس فيجاس ، قام رؤسائه باستغلال رجل العصابات منخفض المستوى سام "آيس" روثستين لرئاسة كازينو تانجيرز. في البداية ، حقق نجاحًا كبيرًا في الوظيفة ، ولكن على مر السنين ، أدت المشاكل مع منفذه المفكك نيكي سانتورو ، وزوجته السابقة المحتال جينجر ، وفنانها المخادع السابق ليستر دايموند وعدد قليل من السياسيين الفاسدين إلى وضع سام في أي وقت. - خطر متزايد.


The Founder

The Founder 2016


القصة الحقيقية لكيفية لقاء راي كروك ، وهو بائع من إلينوي ، بماك وديك ماكدونالد ، اللذين كانا يديران عملية برجر في جنوب كاليفورنيا في الخمسينيات من القرن الماضي. أعجب كروك بنظام الإخوة السريع في صنع الطعام ورأى إمكانات الامتياز. لقد نجح في المناورة ليصبح قادرًا على سحب الشركة من الإخوة وإنشاء إمبراطورية تبلغ قيمتها مليار دولار.


دماء في الأفق

دماء في الأفق 2007


سيكون هناك جشع. سيكون هناك انتقام. ينتقل عامل منجم الفضة الذي لا يرحم ، والذي تحول إلى منقب عن النفط ، دانيال بلينفيو ، إلى كاليفورنيا الغنية بالنفط. باستخدام ابنه لعرض صورة جديرة بالثقة ، رجل الأسرة ، يخدع بلينفيو ملاك الأراضي المحليين لبيعه ممتلكاتهم القيمة مقابل مبلغ زهيد. ومع ذلك ، يشتبه الواعظ المحلي إيلي صنداي في دوافع ونوايا بلينفيو ، مما يؤدي إلى بدء عداء بطيء الاحتراق يهدد حياتهما.


من اجل حزمة دولارات

من اجل حزمة دولارات 1964


يدور الفيلم حول غريب يصل إلى بلدة (سان ميغيل) الصغيرة ليخبره صاحب الخان هناك عن العداوة والبغضاء بين عائلتين تسعيان للسيطرة على البلدة. ويحاول الغريب الاستفادة من الوضع وجني المال، فيقرر التلاعب بالعائلتين ليجعل إحداهما ضد الأخرى، وتأتي فرصته مع مرور شحنة ذهب عبر المدينة برفقة سرية من الجيش المكسيكي.


بينوكيو من غييرمو ديل تورو

بينوكيو من غييرمو ديل تورو 2022


خلال صعود الفاشية في إيطاليا تحت حكم موسوليني، كان صبي خشبي ينبض بالحياة بطريقة سحرية يكافح من أجل الارتقاء إلى مستوى توقعات والده.



तुम्बाड 2018


على مشارف قرية متداعية تدعى تومباد، يعيش فيناياك، وهو رجل مهووس بكنز أسلافه الأسطوري. يشك في أن سر الكنز محفوظ لدى جدته الأولى، وهي ساحرة ملعونة تنام لقرون. وحينما يفلح في مواجهتها أخيرًا، تضعه وجها لوجه أمام حارس الكنز، وهو إله شرير خائب. ما يبدأ مع عدد قليل من العملات الذهبية، يتعاظم بسرعة إلى تهور ولهفة وشهوة أزلية.


It Could Happen to You

It Could Happen to You 1994


تتلقى نادلة عرضًا يغيّر حياتها حين لا يجد شرطي ما يكفي ليعطيها بقشيشًا، ويعدها بنصف ربحه في ورقة يانصيب إن حالفه الحظ هذه المرّة... وحالفها!


ترنيمة عيد الميلاد

ترنيمة عيد الميلاد 2009


جشع الموسم يستيقظ البخيل إبنيزر البخيل عشية عيد الميلاد من قبل الأرواح التي تكشف له عن وجوده البائس ، والفرص التي أهدرها في شبابه ، وقسوته الحالية ، والمصير الرهيب الذي ينتظره إذا لم يغير طرقه. يواجه البخيل قصته الخاصة عن المرارة المتزايدة واللؤم ، ويجب أن يقرر ما سيحمله مستقبله: الموت أو الفداء.






At Home with the Braithwaites

At Home with the Braithwaites 2000


At Home with the Braithwaites is a British comedy-drama television series, created and written by Sally Wainwright. The storyline follows a suburban family from Leeds, whose life is turned upside down when the mother of the family wins 38 million pounds on the lottery. It was broadcast on ITV, for 26 episodes, from 20 January 2000 to 9 April 2003. At the beginning of the first series, each member of the Braithwaite family has an issue. Alison has to decide what to do with the winnings, and when to tell her family. David is having an affair with Elaine, his secretary at work. Virginia is on the verge of flunking out of university. Sarah has a crush on her drama teacher. Charlotte suspects that her mother may be the mystery lottery winner.


Incarnation of Money

Incarnation of Money 2013


Incarnation of Money is a 2013 South Korean television series about greed, ambition, and love. Starring Kang Ji-hwan, Hwang Jung-eum, Park Sang-min, Choi Yeo-jin, Oh Yoon-ah and Kim Soo-mi, it aired on SBS from February 2 to April 21, 2013 on Saturdays and Sundays at 22:00 for 24 episodes.


Owe My Love

Owe My Love 2021


Owe My Love is the story of a financial illiterate (Sensen) and a miserly but successful doctor (Migs) whose lives unexpectedly intertwine because of the economic impact of the pandemic.


The Penthouse

The Penthouse 2020


A woman puts everything on the line to achieve her goal of being able to move into a luxury penthouse in the Gangnam District. In the process, she gradually finds herself turning into a monster.


Gold Mask

Gold Mask 2022


The drama tells the story of finding the answer to life in a mad fight between three women due to a tragedy caused by false desires and greed.


Red Shoes

Red Shoes 2021


The series revolves around Kim Jem Ma, a daughter who has strong desire to take revenge from her heartless mother, who left her father and sick brother in search of love and desire for her success.



Cleopatra 1999


Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian Queen born in 69 B.C., is shown to have been brought by Roman ruler Julius Caesar at age 18. Caesar becomes sexually obsessed by the 18 year old queen, beds her, and eventually has a son by her. However, his Roman followers and his wife are not pleased by the union. In fact, as Caesar has only a daughter by his wife, he had picked Octavian as his successor.



Deadwood 2004


The story of the early days of Deadwood, South Dakota; woven around actual historic events with most of the main characters based on real people. Deadwood starts as a gold mining camp and gradually turns from a lawless wild-west community into an organized wild-west civilized town. The story focuses on the real-life characters Seth Bullock and Al Swearengen.


Big Mouth

Big Mouth 2022


A lawyer with a ten-percent winning rate is caught up in a murder case and becomes the notorious and genius con artist, Big Mouse, overnight. In order to survive and protect his family, he tries to reveal the true colors of the privileged people involved in a huge conspiracy.


White Nights

White Nights 2016


A coldhearted heiress, a man from her past and an ambitious new hire in her company all become entangled on a battleground for money and power.


Ms Ma, Nemesis

Ms Ma, Nemesis 2018


Ms. Ma is sent to jail after being accused of killing her daughter. She escapes in order to find the real murderer and starts solving other cases.


The New Statesman

The New Statesman 1987


The New Statesman is a British sitcom of the late 1980s and early 1990s satirising the Conservative government of the time.


Queen of Ambition

Queen of Ambition 2013


When you grow up in extreme poverty, the experience can instill a steely resolve to succeed at all costs. Joo Da Hae is determined to leave her life of poverty behind and will stop at nothing until she achieves the wealth and lifestyle she so desires. Ha Ryu, who loved Da Hae and would have done anything for her, is used and betrayed by her in her greedy quest. He later becomes a public prosecutor who must bring her down. But the heartless Da Hae, who rises to become First Lady, has plenty of others who will sacrifice themselves at her whim, including the smitten Baek Do Hoon. Can the ruthless Da Hae be stopped before she goes too far?


Mrs. Fazilet and Her Daughters

Mrs. Fazilet and Her Daughters 2017


The story of Fazilet, mother of Hazan and Ece, eager to make money using the modeling skills of her younger daughter, Ece. While Hazan pursues a career as a coach in sports, far from her mother's wishes and falls in love with a rich spoiled man.



Taboo 2017


Adventurer James Keziah Delaney returns to London from Africa in 1814 along with fourteen stolen diamonds to seek vengeance after the death of his father.


House of Lies

House of Lies 2012


Charming, fast talking Marty Kaan and his crack team of management consultants know how to play the corporate game better than anyone, by using every dirty trick in the book to woo powerful CEOs and close huge deals. In the board rooms, barrooms, and bedrooms of the power elite, corruption is business as usual and everyone's out for themselves first. Nothing is sacred in this scathing, irreverent satire of corporate America today.


Follow the Money

Follow the Money 2016


'Follow the Money' is a crime drama that explores what happens to people who are corrupted by greed and ambition. The series shows viewers the complex world of economic crime that takes place in banks, the stock exchange, and in boardrooms.


Speed Grapher

Speed Grapher 2005


In the new Tokyo, where every fetish has a face, burned-out war photographer Tatsumi Saiga is slumming in the tabloid wasteland. Sent to dig up dirt on the underground elite, he stumbles upon a depraved ritual below the city—and before the night ends, a single kiss from a young beauty named Kagura Tennouzu ignites a chain of events that could force the entire ruling class to their knees.


Miss Ripley

Miss Ripley 2011


Based loosely on the story of a discredited Dongguk University professor who falsified her educational background, Miss Ripley is the story of orphan Jang Mi Ri who, like the Talented Mr. Ripley, lives her life from one lie to the next. At a job interview, she starts down her dark path in earnest, when she tells a simple lie about her education. From there, the tale of Miss Ripley weaves into the lives of two very important rivals: Jang Myung Hoon and Yutaka, both of whom are in the hotel industry and fall in love with the deceitful protagonist. To complicate things, Mi Ri's childhood acquaintance, Hee Joo, can see through all the lies.