Açar söz Ancient Evil
The Nun 2018
Akvamen və İtmiş Krallıq 2023
Akvamen – atlantlar və insanlar nəslindəndir. Onun atası mayak nəzarətçisi, anası isə Atlantidanın hökmdarı olub. Amma bu ailə çox davam etməyib, Atlantlar onları ayırıb, anasını özlərinlə aparmışdşrlar, balaca Akvamen isə atası ilə qalmışdır. Böyüdükcə uşaq qeyri adı istedadlarını və öz qüdrətini müşahidə edirdi. O suyun altında nəfəs ala bilir, balıqlardan sürətli üzür, və onlarla asanlıqla dil tapır. Akvamen bacarıqlarını insanların xeyrinə istifadə edərək, əcdadlarından aralı durub adi insan həyatı sürməyə çalışır.
It Chapter Two 2019
Azrael 2024
Yoga Hosers 2016
The Offering 2022
The Wretched 2019
Dead Awake 2016
Baphomet 2021
Wicken 2019
The Screaming Silent 2020
Inherit the Witch 2024
Death from Above 2012
The Estrogen Gospel 2024
#unboxed 1970
The Rive 1970
Sleepy Hollow 2013
Ichabod Crane is resurrected and pulled two and a half centuries through time to unravel a mystery that dates all the way back to the founding fathers.
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger 2019
65 million years ago, the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe were selected to participate in a war campaign against the dictating Druidon Tribe who sought to rule Earth. But the Druidon's war campaign was halted by the meteor that brought the age of the dinosaurs to an end, forcing them to flee into space. Meanwhile, the Kishiryu were placed in a deep sleep as a failsafe should the Druidon return. The chosen knights choose to live in peace while passing their mantle down across generations. In the present day, the Druidon return to reclaim Earth as the current generation of knights, the Ryusoulgers, battle them with the support of Ui Tatsui and her father Naohisa Tatsui.
Kamen Rider Kuuga 2000
When a group of archaeologists uncover the tomb of a legendary warrior, they unearth Kuuga’s belt, accidentally releasing an ancient race of monsters called the Grongi, bent on destroying humanity. Enter Yusuke Godai, a modern-day guy next door, who learns he is telepathically linked to the mysterious stone belt. With its power, he transforms into the legendary warrior known as Kuuga, humanity’s only defense against the murderous Grongi monsters.