Ключавое слова Ostrich
آواز گنجشکها 2008
Donald's Ostrich 1937
Mickey Down Under 1948
Autruches 1896
Mother Was a Rooster 1962
Island of the Lost 1967
Le Livre du désert 1970
Telecat 1983
Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news show parody hosted by a tomcat named Groucha (who always had his arm in plaster) and an ostrich named Lola. It featured a variety of sentient objects and revolved around the idea that the real-life elementary particles known as gluons were “the souls of objects”.
Cracked 2016
Meet anxious Ed and his beloved brood. All eight eggs are blessed with incredible luck. Unfortunately, things are different for dad. Overprotective and perfectionist, Ed causes trouble and threats, never missing an opportunity to make things worse for himself. Happily, the babies always end up safe.