Wayne Dyer: Excuses Begone!

Wayne Dyer: Excuses Begone! 2009


People are forever using excuses and defending those excuses as if they were actually true. Such statements as 'It would be very difficult for me to change', or 'I'm too old/young to change' are all excuses used regularly without challenging the truth of these thinking habits. When you eliminate excuses that explain your shortcomings or failures, you'll awaken to your infinite possibilities.


Wayne Dyer: The Power of Intention

Wayne Dyer: The Power of Intention 2003


In Dr. Wayne Dyer's public television special, taped live in front of a thousand fans in Boston's historic theater district, he transforms conventional thinking about making things happen in our lives into a profound understanding of how each person possesses the infinite potential and power to co-create the life he or she desires. To accomplish this, Dr. Dyer takes the audience through a journey into the seven faces of intention - 1: creativity, 2: kindness; 3: love, 4: beauty, 5: expansiveness, 6: abundance, and 7: receptivity. Throughout the program, Dr. Dyer illustrates his points with signature stories that move the audience to tears--as well as abundant laughter.


Co-Creating at Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers

Co-Creating at Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers 2014


What happens when you bring together one of the most inspirational spiritual teachers of all time and the Master Sages of the Universe? A magical, insightful, invigorating encounter you will never forget! Before a live audience in Anaheim, California, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer sits down with Esther Hicks and the wise Collective Consciousness known as Abraham. Wayne asks all the questions he has accumulated from his more than 40 years of teaching others about self-reliance and self-discovery, and Abraham delivers the answers we all need to hear. While Wayne and Esther have been friends for years, this is the fierst time that he engages with Abraham in an extended dialogue about life´s many lessons and perpelxing questions. Experience this extraordinary meeting of the minds for yourself!