Френският бюлетин

Френският бюлетин 2021


Екипът на европейска публикация решава да публикува мемориално издание, в което да представи трите най-добри истории от последното десетилетие: художник, осъден на доживотен затвор, студентски бунтове и отвличане, разрешено от готвач.


Градът на духовете

Градът на духовете 2008


Филмът разказва историята на Бъртрам Пинкъс, раздразнителен зъболекар от Манхатън, който придобива нежеланата дарба да вижда мъртви хора. Наистина досадни мъртви хора. И когато обаятелен призрак оплита Бъртрам в романтична интрига със собствената си вдовица Гуен, двамата се оказват въвлечени в невероятно смешни ситуации между света на живите и отвъдното!


Племето на Крипендорф

Племето на Крипендорф 1998


Антрополог "открива" примитивна култура в собствения си двор. Вместо да изследва изчезнало племе в Нова Гвинея, професор Джеймс Крипендорф е пропилял последните 2 години... и сумата от 100 000 долара... за отглеждането на своите неконтролируеми деца. Напълно отчаян, той трябва да намери начин да заблуди колегите си и сексапилната дългокрака блондинка, която непрекъснато го преследва.


13 семестър

13 семестър 2009


Приятелите Мориц и Дирк постъпват в Техническия университет в Дармщад, за да учат математика. Студентския живот започва с пълна сила. Но в това време, докато Дирк с желание и прилежност посещава лекции, Момо точно пред защитата на дипломната си работа, напуска групата по неясни причини.



Mythos 1970


Mythos is a three-part documentary that consists of a series of lectures given by Joseph Campbell. Campbell conceived of the original lectures, filmed over the last six years of his life, as a summation of what he had learned about the human mythic impulse, in terms of psychology, ethnology and comparative mythology—what he called "the one great story of mankind."


Anatomy for Beginners

Anatomy for Beginners 2005


Anatomy for Beginners is a television show created by Gunther von Hagens. In this 4-part series, Dr Gunther von Hagens and Professor John Lee demonstrated the anatomical structure and workings of the body. The 4 episodes were screened in the United Kingdom on Channel 4 in 2005. The show features public anatomy demonstrations with the use of real human cadavers and live nude models, carried out at Gunther von Hagens' "Institute for Plastination" in Heidelberg, Germany. Dr von Hagens’ public demonstrations are not formal anatomy dissections performed by medical students in some countries as part of their medical training. Formal dissection are performed slowly and take dozens of hours of dissection. Anatomy for Beginners performs quicker autopsy and also combines with demonstration of plastinated body parts and specimens to gives just a glimpse of the human anatomy. The individuals on whom the demonstration was performed had, before their death, enrolled on von Hagens’ body donor programme and consented to the use of their bodies for public education in anatomy, including public demonstration.


Comedians Giving Lectures

Comedians Giving Lectures 2019


Some of the funniest people in British comedy deliver a hilarious stand up presentation in the guise of a lecture in this stand-up competition. Not only have they got to impress the audience with their usual comedy chops, they will also be marked on their oratory skills by experts in the field of their lecture topic.


Transformations of Myth Through Time

Transformations of Myth Through Time 1989


Legendary raconteur Joseph Campbell explores the myth and symbols that have shaped our world and given us what he has called "the experience of being alive."


The Richard Dimbleby Lecture

The Richard Dimbleby Lecture 1972


The Richard Dimbleby Lecture was founded in the memory of Richard Dimbleby, the BBC broadcaster. It has been delivered by an influential business or political figure almost every year since 1972.


Do-ol Ah-in Going All Directions

Do-ol Ah-in Going All Directions 2019


Cultural and Educational TV Show to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the March First Movement


Justice with Michael Sandel

Justice with Michael Sandel 2009


Justice is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and on public television. In this 12-part series, college professor Michael Sandel challenges us with hard moral dilemmas and invites us to ponder the right thing to do-in politics and in our everyday lives.