Ключова дума Geography
Sherpa 2015
Миклухо-Маклай 1947
परदेसी 1957
Bancoco 2023
Географът си пропи глобуса 2013
Виктор е биолог по образование и не разбира нищо от карти, глобуси или компаси, но липсата на пари го принуждава да стане учител по география. Заедно със семейството си той заминава за Перм, където първите му дни в училището са разочароващи - децата са необуздана глутница, а Виктор не се разбира с останалите учители. Единствената утеха у дома са дъщеря му и съпругата му... докато тя не решава, че иска развод. Виктор се чувства неразбран, самотен и нещастен, без никаква надежда за бъдещето. Положението се подобрява, когато стар негов приятел се появява в града. Двамата заедно започват да пият за повдигане на духа - алкохолът прави живота по-интересен, а се намесват и жени... Скоро преобразеният учител завежда класа си на експедиция по бушуваща река... Филмът е вдъхновен от едноименния бестселър на Алексей Иванов, а ролята на учителя се изпълнява от най-голямата руска звезда в момента - Константин Хабенски.
Once ... Agadir 1971
Vietnam from Above 2018
Земля Санникова 1973
Hidden Aegean 2023
Water Life 2011
Údolím Neretvy 1959
Magie Venezuely 2012
På spåret 1987
På spåret is a popular Swedish TV game show broadcast on SVT since September 5, 1987. The show, which is intended to be humorous yet educational, has remained one of the most popular TV shows in Sweden, attracting an average of 2,150,000 viewers during the 2007 season. The all-time record was set in March 1990, when 3.7 million people tuned in to see the show. This means that nearly every second Swede saw the game show. På spåret is an original format developed by Ingvar Oldsberg for SVT, and he hosted the show for many years. Author and tennis legend Björn Hellberg was promoted from contestant to permanent Oldsberg sidekick in 1995 after winning for four straight seasons. Famous gourmet, restaurant-owner, and former contestant Carl-Jan Grankvist sat in for Hellberg during the 2004 season. In 2009, after 21 years, Oldsberg left and Kristian Luuk took over as the host. Björn Hellberg too decided to leave and was replaced with Fredrik Lindström.
Cestománie 1999
Go Jetters 2015
Go Jetters follows the adventures of four plucky international heroes, Xuli, Kyan, Lars and Foz, as they travel the globe with their friend and mentor Ubercorn, a disco-dancing unicorn. Together they save the world's most famous landmarks from the mischievous meddlings of their nemesis, Grandmaster Glitch.
Nová cestománie 2004
Vu sur Terre 2010
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? 1991
A game show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer game series created by Brøderbund Software.
Crash Course Geography 2020
The first half of this course on Geography will focus on physical geography or the processes and phenomena of the physical world both above and below the Earth's surface. Then we'll turn our focus to human geography and explore the ways people occupy the Earth's surface.
New Zealand from Above 2012
An aerial journey from the deep south of the South Island to the northern tip of the North Island. We discover the landscapes and meet New Zealanders who talk about their work, interests and culture.
Earth From Above 2006
Earth From Above is a documentary series dedicated to the major challenges faced by our planet, bringing the viewer beautiful High Definition images of the Earth. Each episodes talks about one particular environmental challenge.
The World About Us 1967
A series of films from all over the world about our astonishing planet and the creatures that live on it. Combining natural history with an element of adventure, the series featured well-known naturalists such as Jane Goodall and Gerald Durrell, and the oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. Succeeded by The Natural World.
Hranica v srdci 2019
The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart 2010
A BBC/Animal Planet co-production, the three-part series focuses on the landscape and wildlife of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.
Making Scotland's Landscape 2010
In a country celebrated for its unique 'natural' beauty, Professor Iain Stewart reveals how every square inch of Scotland's landscape has been affected by centuries of human activity.
Britain Beneath Your Feet 2015
Dallas Campbell reveals why we can only understand the familiar world around us by discovering the hidden wonders beneath our feet.
Men of Rock 2010
Geologist Iain Stewart retraces the steps of a band of maverick pioneers who made ground-breaking discoveries in the landscape of Scotland about how our planet works.
V karavanu po Česku 2021
Glorious Gardens from Above 2014
Horticulturist Christine Walkden embarks on a journey to explore Britain's gardens and countryside from a hot-air balloon.