Приключенията на Сами

Приключенията на Сами 2010


Сами е морска костенурка излюпена през 1959 г., която прекарва следващите 50 години от живота си в околосветско пътешествие. А светът около нея непрекъснато се променя, заради глобалното затопляне.


Приключенията на Сами 2

Приключенията на Сами 2 2012


Сами и Рей – две морски костенурки и неразделни приятели, се радват на безгрижен живот в пъстрия коралов риф и междувременно помагат на новоизлюпените Рики и Ела да стигнат до океана. Изневиделица се появява бракониер, който улавя екзотичните животинки и ги изпраща в аквариум в Дубай, където стават част от впечатляващо шоу за туристи.


Морска храна

Морска храна 2011


Пуп е бамбукова акула. За него няма проблем да плува в плитки води и дори да престои около 12 часа на сушата. Джулиъс е бяла акула, но всъщност не е толкова жесток, колкото сме свикнали да си го представяме. Бракониери крадат яйцата от кораловия риф, който Пуп обитава и той е решен на всяка цена да освободи своите неродени братя и сестри. Предстои му голямото предизвикателство да открие какво се случва в света извън водните водоеми. Джулиъс пък обезпокоен за съдбата на своя най-добър приятел Пуп тръгва да го търси.


Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years 2021


SpongeBob and friends spend the summer catching jellyfish, building camp-fires, and swimming in Lake Yuckymuck at Camp Coral, located in the Kelp Forest.


Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II 2016


David Attenborough presents a documentary series exploring how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth.


SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants 1999


Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the subterranean city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, loves his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, and has a knack for getting into all kinds of trouble without really trying. When he's not getting on the nerves of his cranky next door neighbor Squidward, SpongeBob can usually be found smack in the middle of all sorts of strange situations with his best buddy, the simple yet lovable starfish, Patrick, or his thrill-seeking surfer-girl squirrel pal, Sandy Cheeks.


Squid Girl

Squid Girl 2010


Squid Girl has come to the land from the depths of the sea to conquer humanity in revenge for pollution of the ocean. Unfortunately she ruins the first house she uses as an invasion base and has to work to pay for repairs. Of course, she can't overcome the Aizawa sisters who manage the house, so who knows whether she can subjugate humankind.


Free Willy

Free Willy 1994


Free Willy is an animated television series, inspired by the 1993 film of the same name. This television series was produced by Warner Bros. Television, Regency Enterprises and the Canadian company Nelvana for Warner Bros. Studios. The show, which aired for one season on American Broadcasting Company, continues the adventures of the orca Willy and Jesse, the boy who freed him from captivity as shown in the film. In retrospect, the series also anticipates multiple plot elements of the film sequel, Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home, released the following summer. The overarching conflict is reminiscent of Moby-Dick: a powerful oil baron, known to the main characters only as a cyborg called "The Machine" until the final episodes, loses his arm and part of his face to Willy while committing an environmental atrocity and wants revenge upon "that rotten whale... and his boy".


Ocean Odyssey: The Blue Realm

Ocean Odyssey: The Blue Realm 2010


The Blue Realm is a natural history television series about amazing creatures of the sea. Utilizing superb High-Definition imagery, engaging stories, and leading marine scientists the series takes viewers on extraordinary journeys of discovery!


Untitled Jesse McKeown Series

Untitled Jesse McKeown Series 1970


Set in a remote Newfoundland town, which is terrorized by a mysterious sea creature, a hard-bitten fisherman must fight to protect his family, his community, and his vanishing way of life.


Blue Wilderness

Blue Wilderness 1993


In this six-part series Ron and Valerie Taylor travel in the underwater world showing the special relationship Valerie has developed with the creatures of the blue wilderness. Now she fights for the future of these creatures.