
Геобуря 2017


За защита срещу катастрофални изменения на климата, властващите правителства на планетата дават зелена светлина на проект „Dutch Boy Program“ – мрежа от сателити, обкръжаващи Земята, които предотвратяват природни бедствия. Заради внезапни пагубни природни явления става ясно, че нещо в системата е неизправно и двама отчуждени братя ще трябва да реагират преди Магнитната буря да погуби земята.


Ling Cage: Incarnation

Ling Cage: Incarnation 2019


In the near future, human inhabitants would have been crowded and congested. It was an urgency to stride out to the universe and find a new home. When everything was under progress in an orderly way, dramatic geological transformations erupted over the courses of decades. Human beings were raped by this disaster and hardly left anything. Until the nature gradually restored calm, people struggled to their feet from ruins and abysses, stepping again onto this familiar but strange earth. But for us people, dominating everything has been rooted into our blood. Are we still masters of this new world?