Изкуството на войната

Изкуството на войната 2000


Шпионин, успял преди време да убеди света, че не съществува, сега трябва да докаже, че го има, за да спаси живота на хиляди хора. След убийството на китайския посланик в ООН по време на търговски преговори, агентът на ФБР Нийл Шоу е определен да разкрие убиеца. Скоро Шоу разбира, че не друг, а самият той е главният заподозрян. Но умението му да прикрива следите си и контактите му с “невидими” като него агенти, го превръщат в изключително трудна мишена. Когато Шоу научава, че истинските убийци възнамеряват да нанесат още един удар, той отново се впуска в играта… в партньорство с красивата Джулия, преводач в ООН и свидетел на убийството.


Триадата от Шанхай

Триадата от Шанхай 1995


Извecтният ĸитaйcĸи peжиcьop Жaн Имy зaплитa eднa eпичнa иcтopия зa aлчнocт, oтмъщeниe и жaждa зa влacт. Дeйcтвиeтo ce paзвивa пo вpeмe нa шaнxaйcĸитe oпиyмни вoйни пpeз 1930-тe гoдини. Ocлeпитeлнaтa Гoнг Ли e в poлятa нa Kcиao, ĸpacивa пeвицa в нoщeн бap, ĸoятo cтaвa пиoнĸa в бopбaтa мeждy мoгъщия бoc нa мaфиятa и нeгoвия пъpви пoмoщниĸ, ĸoйтo ĸpoи плaнoвe дa пoeмe ĸoнтpoл нaд бизнeca.


The Brothers Sun

The Brothers Sun 2024


When a mysterious enemy targets his family, a Taipei triad member heads to Los Angeles to protect his strong-willed mother and oblivious younger brother.


The Man Who Kills Troubles

The Man Who Kills Troubles 2019


Fixers will use any means necessary to help the triads solve the most difficult problems. Karson Chung, a fixer for a Chinese-Australian triad, wishes to leave the triads and be together with his loved one but she dies in an accident. At the same time, he is framed for murdering a triad leader. He fakes his death to escape to Hong Kong, where he starts a new life as a high school gym teacher. Jovy Cheung, a new teacher at the school, is actually the daughter of a triad leader. Her father's retirement from the triads causes waves on both the lawful and unlawful sides and even affects the school community. Karson is forced to take up his identity as a fixer again to protect Jovy and the students. When Jovy's father is murdered, Jovy is forced to take over as a triad leader to bring control to the chaotic underworld. As Karson is in love with Jovy, he swears to help and protect her. Facing a new realignment in the good and bad spheres, who can set things right again?


My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan

My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan 2016


Ever since falling in love, former triad member Ho Keisong has put his former gang life behind to become a chef. Life is good as he and his wife make a good living at their small restaurant and their daughter works as an investment banker. But their happy family life is threatened when Keisong's former triad boss Lau Cheuknam is released from prison. Not only does Cheuknam wants to pull Keisong back into the triad life, but Keisong's marriage is also on the line as his wife was Cheuknam's girlfriend before his incarceration.