Ключова дума Environmental Documentary
Koyaanisqatsi 1983
Greta 2020
Seaspiracy 2021
11-ят час 2007
Поглед към състоянието на земната природа, предлагащ визионерски и практични решения за възстановяване на екосистемите на планетата.
Неудобната истина 2006
Предизвикал объркване сред защитниците на околната среда в САЩ, този филм е за самоналагането на бившия американски вицепрезидент Ал Гор - потънал преди това в политическа забрава - като влиятелен лектор по въпросите на климатичните промени. Мултимедийната презентация на Гор е хит сред лекторските общности в Щатите, предизвиквайки одобрението дори на тези, които са го отписали заради липса на мярка.
Atlantis 1991
Красива планета 2016
Едно изследване на Земята и отвъд нея, така - както се вижда от открития Космос. Водеща в лентата е звездата Дженифър Лоурънс.
Утре 2015
Режисьорът е Сирил Дион - еколог, поет и адвокат. Той и приятелката му - френската актриса Мелани Лоран, събират екип от съмишленици и решават да направят собствено изследване в десет държави, за да разберат какво би могло да провокира тази катастрофа и... как да я избегнем. Именно от техния кинопроект се раждат невероятни идеи и практики, които вече се прилагат успешно в десетки градове.
Darwin's Nightmare 2005
Planète Océan 2012
One Strange Rock 2018
A mind-bending, thrilling journey exploring the fragility and wonder of planet Earth, one of the most peculiar, unique places in the entire universe, brought to life by the only people to have left it behind – the world’s most well known and leading astronauts.
Our Living World 2024
This stunning nature series narrated by Cate Blanchett explores the intelligence, resourcefulness and interconnectedness of life on our planet.
Attenborough's Life in Colour 2021
Exploring the vital role colour plays in the daily lives of many species.
True North 2018
Follow TYT host John Iadarola and journalist Chavala Madlena on a journey throughout the Arctic, presenting an unprecedented view of life in a part of the world that few will ever see.
Green Warriors 2021
Martin Boudot, investigative journalist, investigates major environmental scandals around the world: river contamination, air pollution, radioactivity, illegal exploitation of resources, toxic waste...
History of the Earth 2020
From Pete, David and Leila - the creators of History Time, Voices of the Past and Something Incredible. From dust to dinosaurs; come with us as we explore the entire history of our planet. History of the Earth tells the entire story of the Earth, from its formation 4.5 billion years ago to today – covering eye-watering geology and bizarre biology along the way.
Paul Whitehouse: Our Troubled Rivers 2023
Paul Whitehouse travels around England and Wales looking at the pressures affecting our rivers and waterways from water companies, intensive agriculture and growing population. Paul explores what is going on beneath the surface, why our rivers and waterways are in decline and what needs to be done to protect them.
Spaceship Earth 2023
In Spaceship Earth, astronaut André Kuipers and narrator Kim van Kooten go on a journey of discovery in the Netherlands. With fascinating space satellite and nature images, they explore the beauty and fragility of Dutch nature and how inhabitants of the Netherlands are connected to it.
Overbooked 2024
If money makes the world go round, perhaps nothing makes money go around the world like tourism. It has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. But have the planet’s must-go-to destinations become victims of their own success? Overbooked explores the complexities of an industry that on one hand caters to the basic human desire of movement and hospitality but on the other, highlights the economic, environmental and social harm of mass travel.
Un monde nouveau 2022
La España salvaje 1996
See It Now 1951
See It Now is an American newsmagazine and documentary series broadcast by CBS from 1951 to 1958. It was created by Edward R. Murrow and Fred W. Friendly, Murrow being the host of the show. From 1952 to 1957, See It Now won four Emmy Awards and was nominated three other times. It also won a 1952 Peabody Award, which cited its
Reef Wrecks 2016
The ocean floor is home to centuries' worth of sunken vessels integrated into marine habitats. Explore extraordinary wrecks around the world and learn how these artificial structures have become a part of the ecosystem--and in some cases, a vital tool in reversing the effects of human impact.
Prendre le bois 2023
Ireland's Coast 2024
A three-part documentary series that journeys to the heart of Ireland's coast, revealing its fascinating origins, rich biodiversity and magnetic charm.
Mindful Earth 2020
Mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe gives viewers his unique take on the natural world.
Africa's Underwater Wonders 2016
Our planet consists of seemingly countless seas and oceans, but so far many of their mysteries remain unexplored. Africa's underwater cameras dive deeper than ever before to explore the treasure trove of fauna, flora and vital ecosystems that live in the sea.
My Wild friends 1970
Marte lives with cute farm animals, but also with predators around her. Can Marte manage to make friends with large moose, small fox puppies and lynxes with sharp claws?