Този луд, луд, луд, луд свят

Този луд, луд, луд, луд свят 1963


След дълги години прекарани в затвора Смилер Гроган се насочва с кола към един парк в Калифорния където е заровил 350 000 $ придобити с труд. От неразумното шофиране той катастрофира. Точно преди да умре дава детайлите на мястото където са заровени парите на хората опитващи се да го спасят. И започва една луда гонка кой най-напред ще успее да се докопа до тези мангизи...


Самолети: Спасителен отряд

Самолети: Спасителен отряд 2014


Когато световноизвестният въздушен състезател Дъсти разбира, че двигателят му е повреден и може никога повече да не се състезава, той решава да „превключи на друга скорост“ и да се впусне в света на въздушното гасене на пожари. Заедно, безстрашнната група ще се изправи срещу мощен горски пожар, а Дъсти ще научи какво е необходимо, за да се превърнеш в истински герой.



Плячка 2007


Трилърът с Бриджит Мойнахан и Питър Уелър разказва за инженера Томас Нюмън, който пристига със семейството си в Африка за да помогне за построяването на голям язовир. Дъщеря му Джесика не се разбира с втората му съпруга Ейми и не одобрява техния брак, а сина му Дейвид живее в свой собствен свят.


Риби на сухо

Риби на сухо 1998


B дeня, в ĸoйтo нaвъpшвaт пълнoлeтиeтo cи, бpaтятa-близнaци Cтю и Фил Дидъл ca изxвъpлeни oт yчилищeтo cи c фopмyлиpoвĸa: „Зa ocoбeн цинизъм пo oтнoшeниe нa yчeбнитe зaнятия”. Зaгpижeн зa пoвeдeниeтo нa cинoвeтe cи и peшeн дa им дaдe дoбъp урок, бaщa им – eдpa бизнec-aĸyлa - изпpaщa нexpaнимaйĸoвцитe в дълбoĸaтa глyxa пpoвинция, нa лeтeн лaгep, ĸъдeтo им пpeдcтoи дa изĸapaт шĸoлa пo мъжecтвo пoд вeщoтo ĸoмaндвaнe нa мaйop Флayъp.


Момчето, което гони призраци

Момчето, което гони призраци 1986


Като превъзмогва страховете на възрастните, едно 11-годишно момче разбулва тайната на "чудовището" от Жабешкото езеро. Режисьорът, когото познаваме от "Банда БМХ", отново демонстрира умението си да печели симпатиите на детската и младежка публика.



Yellowstone 2018


Follow the violent world of the Dutton family, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States. Led by their patriarch John Dutton, the family defends their property against constant attack by land developers, an Indian reservation, and America’s first National Park.



Brickleberry 2012


Brickleberry National Park is facing closure, but not if the park’s dysfunctional park rangers can help it! “Brickleberry,” an animated half-hour series, follows the crazy bunch of park rangers as they do their worst to keep the park running. Steve (David Herman) has been “Ranger of the Month” every month for years, so he feels threatened when Ethel (Natasha Leggero) is transferred from Yellowstone National Park to help whip the park into shape. Connie (Roger Black) and Denzel (Jerry Minor) are two unique rangers that each bring special skills (or in Denzel’s case, lack of skills) to the job, and Woody (Tom Kenny) is the hapless Head Ranger who puts nothing above his beloved park, except his adopted bear cub, Malloy (Daniel Tosh), who he’s taken in and spoils to death.



Wilderness 2023


A dream holiday becomes a nightmare for a young British couple who seemingly have it all, as heartbreak turns into fury and revenge.



Yellowstone 2009


A natural history portrait of a year in Yellowstone, following the fortunes of America's wildlife icons as they face the challenges of one of the most extraordinary wildernesses on Earth.


Yellowstone to Yosemite with Kevin Costner

Yellowstone to Yosemite with Kevin Costner 2025


Follow Kevin Costner as he traces the footsteps of the pivotal 1903 Yosemite expedition of 26th President Teddy Roosevelt and environmental advocate John Muir. Through spectacular visuals of the geology, flora, and fauna of Glacier Point to El Capitan, Yosemite Falls and more, Costner brings the fascinating journey and long battles to preserve the American frontier to life.


National Parks: USA

National Parks: USA 2024


Venture across world-famous and lesser-known national parks to reveal the diversity and wonder of the United States, from the lush valley floors of Yosemite to the constantly erupting volcanoes of Hawai'i.


The New Adventures of Lassie

The New Adventures of Lassie 2014


For generations, Lassie the beautiful collie has been known and loved by viewers all over the world. Once again she enters the homes of millions of viewers as she talks for the first time in a TV adventure series for children aged 6 to 9.


Mysteries at the Monument

Mysteries at the Monument 2013


Host Don Wildman takes viewers around the country without having to leave the comforts of home, visiting national parks, statues, and memorials to reveal the history and mysteries that surround these treasures. Whether it be a mysterious disappearance, an unsolved murder or an unexplained haunting, the show reveals secrets and information about each monument leaving the viewer with the a deeper understanding of these important places but often overlooked pieces of American history.


Gorongosa Park: Rebirth of Paradise

Gorongosa Park: Rebirth of Paradise 2015


Experience the incredible and inspiring rebirth of an African wilderness through the eyes of an Emmy-winning wildlife cameraman. American-born, African-raised Bob Poole embarks on an amazing adventure: spending two years living in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Southern Africa, joining scientists and conservationists in the battle to re-wild this once-legendary national park.


The Ranger - On the Hunt

The Ranger - On the Hunt 2018


The Ranger - On the Hunt is a German television series that has been produced for Das Erste since 2018 on behalf of ARD-Degeto and MDR. The episodes are about 90 minutes long and will be broadcast as part of the series Endlich Freitag on Das Erste. The central character of the series is Jonas Waldek who worked as a ranger in Canada for several years and returned to his hometown of Wehlen to work as a ranger in the Saxon Switzerland National Park.


Epic Yellowstone

Epic Yellowstone 2019


Bill Pullman introduces and narrates this four-part documentary on the world's first national park, Yellowstone.


Canada plus grand que nature

Canada plus grand que nature 2014


Jean-Luc Brassard brings you in the midst of the nicest national parks, from Québec to the Northwest Territories. Between lush forests, majestic lakes and boreal plains, you’ll see Canada in all its splendour.


America's National Parks

America's National Parks 2015


An epic journey from the geysers of Yellowstone to the rugged Pacific coast of the Olympic peninsula, from the hot desert of Saguaro to the icy Gates of the Arctic, from the subtropical sea of grass in the Everglades to the world-famous peaks of Yosemite and from the mystic Smoky Mountains to the biggest gorge on Earth: the Grand Canyon.



Sierra 1974


Sierra is a short-lived 1974 television crime drama series focusing on the efforts of National Park Service rangers to enforce federal law and to effect wilderness rescues. The program aired on NBC and was packaged by Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited for Universal Television. John Denver wrote the show's theme song. Robert A. Cinader, executive producer of Mark VII's Emergency!, handled this program also; Bruce Johnson produced.


Rock the Park

Rock the Park 2014


Jack Steward joins Colton Smith to travel to America's greatest treasures, the awe-inspiring national parks, and to spotlight their beauty.