Rex Ingram The Talk of the Town Десетте божи заповеди Багдатският крадец Луната изгрява Dark Waters God's Little Acre Emperor Jones Journey to Shiloh Сахара The Legend of Rudolph Valentino Десетте Божи заповеди Tarzan's Hidden Jungle Your Cheatin' Heart The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Green Pastures Tarzan of the Apes Harlem After Midnight Cabin in the Sky Hurry Sundown Watusi Congo Crossing Anna Lucasta The Gay Knighties Jasper's Paradise Fired Wife Цар на царете The Men Who Made the Movies: Vincente Minnelli The Four Feathers Let My People Live Desire in the Dust Visual Effects: The Thief of Bagdad Shoe Shine Jasper Escort West John Henry and the Inky-Poo A Thousand and One Nights Елмър Гантри Adventure Hoola Boola Climax! The Rifleman Black Saddle Пушечен дим Branded Kraft Television Theatre Cowboy in Africa Daktari Cowboy in Africa Daktari The Bill Cosby Show Sam Benedict