Ralph Rosenblum Fail Safe Stuck on You! Annie Hall The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg The Producers Mad Dog Coll Bananas The Pawnbroker Pie in the Sky Sleeper Love and Death Bad Company Interiors Acting Out Acting Out The Great Bank Hoax The Love Song of Barney Kempinski The Love Song of Barney Kempinski Gone Are the Days! Louisiana Story A Christmas Memory The Group The Night They Raided Minsky's Lovin' Molly The Greatest Man in the World Bananas Bernice Bobs Her Hair A Thousand Clowns A Thousand Clowns Take the Money and Run A Great Big Thing Bach to Bach Summer Solstice Amy and the Angel Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby Is a Friend of Mine Don't Drink the Water Born to Win North Star: Mark di Suvero A Space to Grow Murder, Inc. Goodbye, Columbus Long Day's Journey Into Night Pretty Boy Floyd Something For Everyone Take the Money and Run Sleeper The Party at Kitty and Stud's Trilogy Jacktown Prima Veras saga om Olav den Hellige Mr. Lincoln