The Case for Christ's Resurrection

The Case for Christ's Resurrection 2007


"The Case for Christ's Resurrection" investigates the historical record, draws upon medical knowledge, searches for evidence in the lives of the Apostles, explores ancient Jewish burial customs, and, with new scientific technologies, examines the 2000 year old burial cloth of Christ. For the first time through physics and space-age imaging, scientist are able to view the crucified body of Christ in a three-dimensional, holographic image. Learn what scientists have discovered. Your faith will be strengthened.


Unlocking the Secret

Unlocking the Secret 2008


"The Secret" is out, and it's sweeping the world. Some claim the Law of Attraction is the key that unlocks the greatest treasure chest of all; the power of the universe. And by using this amazing tool, you can fulfill all your dreams and desires. But is the most important part of The Secret yet to be revealed. In this compelling investigation, you'll hear directly from some of the world's leading experts about what makes the Law of Attraction work, find out the reasons why it sometimes doesn't work, and learn how you can avoid these mistakes and use the Law of Attraction to its fullest.


The Da Vinci Code Deception

The Da Vinci Code Deception 2005


Dan Brown's fiction thriller, The Da Vinci Code, ignited worldwide controversy with this enigmatic opening statement: FACT: All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in the novel are accurate. Through interviews with leading experts in theology, archeology, art history, philosophy and science, this documentary exposes the inaccuracies and deceptions in Brown's novel.


Noah's Ark Revealed

Noah's Ark Revealed 2014


Nearly 200 ancient cultures with the capability to keep a written or oral history have records of an all-encompassing flood – one with astonishing parallels to the biblical account of Noah’s Ark. Was there a deluge of such enormous proportion that it covered the entire Earth? Has modern technology finally answered these questions? Some scientists now believe the biblical record of a worldwide flood can account for all the world’s geographic anomalies – geologic abnormalities that, until now, have defied explanation. Astonishing new theories explain the flood that many have inundated the world in ancient times.


UFO Conspiracies: Fields of Mystery

UFO Conspiracies: Fields of Mystery 1970


For decades, mankind has witnessed the mystery of crop circles - the often beautiful but always baffling markings that appear in fields the world over. Previously dismissed by skeptics as the work of clever hoaxers, crop circles are now the focus of increasing scientific investigation. How can complicated crop circle designs appear in just minutes, often in complete darkness? Why does the crop undergo changes at the cellular level? What about the strange lights which appear over the fields where crop circles are found? Are crop circles the product of new military technology? Or are they messages from an intelligent force, perhaps an alien civilization? Experience a powerful eyewitness account of a crop circle being formed. What are crop circles trying to tell us?


UFO Conspiracies: Kecksburg UFO Crash

UFO Conspiracies: Kecksburg UFO Crash 1970


On December 9, 1965, hundreds of witnesses saw an object crash in the woods near the small Pennsylvania town of Kecksburg. The official government report said the object was simply a meteorite. But eyewitnesses to the event disagree. Some say they saw the object change direction and emit a vapor trail before crashing. Others claim to have seen the object up close. They describe it as a copper-colored acorn-shaped object with strange writing on it. Whatever crashed in Kecksburg, it quickly drew the attention of the U.S. military. They reportedly recovered the object, loaded it onto a flatbed truck and took it to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. What was it that caused the military to respond so quickly? What do they know that we don't?


UFO Conspiracies: Area-51 Base

UFO Conspiracies: Area-51 Base 1970


It's a mysterious complex of buildings and runways that has been photographed by U.S. and Russian satellites and documented on the cover of Popular Science magazine. Yet the U.S. Government says the Area 51 base does not even exist. From a secret gate at the Las Vegas airport, workers are flown daily to and from the base in aircraft with blacked-out windows. Airplanes are warned they'll be shot down if they fly over Area 51. Signs authorizing the use of deadly force surround the base to keep intruders away. Unmarked helicopters and hummers are on constant patrol. What are they guarding? A scientist who once worked there says Area 51 houses confiscated UFOs. Now, a visitor to the base says he actually examined an alien UFO engine there. Is Area 51 truly a spaceport for alien craft?


Uncovering the Truth About Jesus

Uncovering the Truth About Jesus 1999


Who was Jesus? Was He born of a virgin? Did He perform miracles? Did He die and rise from the dead? Was He the Son of God? Either this Man was and is the Son of God, or He was a madman, liar, and hoaxer that millions have followed for 2,000 years. Historians, scholars, and scientists examine the Man and His claims to include the Messianic prophecies, the virgin birth, the miracles, the teachings, and His death and resurrection. See the Bible and the life of Jesus under the scrutiny of inquiry as rarely before seen. The New Testament account of Jesus as the Messiah is fully examined through Scripture as well as through archaeology, history, and science to determine if what we read about Jesus is actually true and provable, or just a myth. Jesus proponents and critics confront each other. Enjoy heartwarming re-creations of the life of Christ as you make your own personal discoveries about Jesus.