El professional

El professional 1994


Stan és un corrupte agent de la DEA la cobdícia del qual el porta a cometre assassinats als carrers de Nova York. El mortal joc del gat i el ratolí comença quan es creua al seu camí un solitari home, anomenat Lleó. León és assassí a sou, un personatge indestructible i indocumentat, que només beu llet i s'ocupa de les plantes. Al mig hi ha una orfe de 12 anys, que no pot oblidar l'home que va assassinar la seva família.


Un pont cap a Terabithia

Un pont cap a Terabithia 2007


Jess Aarons se sent un estrany al col·legi, i fins i tot en la seva pròpia família. Jess ha entrenat tot l'estiu per convertir-se en el noi més ràpid de la seva classe, però el seu objectiu es veu frustrat de manera inesperada per la nova noia del col·legi, Leslie Burke que competeix en la carrera "només per a nois" i guanya. A Leslie li encanta contar històries de fantasia i màgia i junts creen el regne secret de Terabithia.


Monster House

Monster House 2006


D.J. Walters, un noi de dotze anys, té massa temps lliure i se li ha ficat al cap que hi ha quelcom estrany a la casa de l'ancià Nebbercracker, a l'altre costat del carrer. Just un dia abans de Halloween, D.J. i el seu amic Chowder tenen una trobada amb el senyor Nebbercracker després d'enviar una pilota al seu jardí... que misteriosament arriba a l'interior de la casa.


El Petit Príncep

El Petit Príncep 2015


Una nena i la seva mare, van a viure a una casa nova. La mare prepara un pla d’estudi molt estricte per a les vacances de la nena, però ella es fa amiga d’un veí molt divertit, que li explica la història de la trobada d’un aviador i un nen misteriós al desert: el Petit Príncep. Fascinada per la història, descuida els deures que li posa la mare, i finalment descobreix que l’aviador és el seu veí. Quan aquest es posa malalt, la nena surt a buscar el Petit Príncep, que ja deu ser un adult.



Assetjada 1993


La bella Carly Norris es trasllada a viure a un apartament de Nova York. Allí s'han succeït diversos accidents misteriosos i mortals. Entre els veïns de Carly hi ha Zeke, un atractiu solter, i Jack, escriptor de supervendes sobre crims reals que viu obsessionat amb les faldilles i els incidents esdevinguts a l'edifici.



Samaritan 2022


Sam Clearly, de tretze anys (Javon «Wanna» Walton) sospita que el seu misteriós i esquiu veí, el Sr. Smith (Sylvester Stallone) és el llegendari heroi Samaritan que va ser declarat mort fa vint-i-cinc anys. Amb una taxa de criminalitat en augment i la ciutat a la vora del caos, Sam es proposa treure al seu veí del seu amagatall perquè salvi la ciutat de la ruïna.


Desitjant estimar

Desitjant estimar 2000


Hong Kong, 1962. Un home i una dona, ambdós casats, queden sovint, ja que les seves respectives parelles viatgen molt per qüestions de feina. Un dia han de fer front a uns fets extremadament dolorosos.


La part positiva de les coses

La part positiva de les coses 2012


El professor Pat torna a casa amb els seus pares després d'una estada en una institució mental, i intenta reconciliar-se amb la seva exdona. Les coses es compliquen quan Pat coneix a la Tiffany, una noia amb els seus propis problemes.


La finestra indiscreta

La finestra indiscreta 1954


Un reporter fotogràfic es veu obligat a romandre en repòs amb una cama enguixada. Tot i la companyia de la seva nòvia i de la seva infermera, procura escapar al tedi, observant des de la finestra del seu apartament amb uns prismàtics el que passa als habitatges del davant. A causa d'una sèrie d'estranyes circumstàncies comença a sospitar d'un veí la dona del qual ha desaparegut.


Els miracles del cel

Els miracles del cel 2016


La jove Annabel Beam és una nena de deu anys que pateix un estrany i incurable trastorn digestiu. La seva mare Christy fa tot el que està a la mà per intentar ajudar la petita, però sense resultats. Després d'un terrible accident que gairebé ocasiona la seva mort, Annabel supera la seva malaltia gràcies a un miracle que deixa sense parla la família, els metges i tota la comunitat.


El Cor de la Ciutat

El Cor de la Ciutat 2000


El cor de la ciutat is a TVC television soap opera first broadcast on TV3 on 11 September 2000 and last broadcast on 23 December 2009. The show is the most watched fiction program in Catalonia, Spain, especially among female audiences, drawing around 28-33% of the audience with as much as 40% during season finales. El cor de la ciutat follows the lives of the people who live and work in the neighbourhood of Sants and Sant Andreu in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.


I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy 1951


Cuban Bandleader Ricky Ricardo would be happy if his wife Lucy would just be a housewife. Instead she tries constantly to perform at the Tropicana where he works, and make life comically frantic in the apartment building they share with landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz, who also happen to be their best friends.


Melrose Place

Melrose Place 1992


Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California.


Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather 1989


Birds of a Feather is a British sitcom that was broadcast on BBC One from 1989 until 1998 and on ITV from 2013. Starring Pauline Quirke, Linda Robson and Lesley Joseph, it was created by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran, who also wrote some of the episodes along with many other writers. The first episode sees sisters Tracey Stubbs and Sharon Theodopolopodos brought together when their husbands are sent to prison for armed robbery. Sharon, who lived in an Edmonton council flat, moves into Tracey's expensive house in Chigwell, Essex. Their next-door neighbour, and later friend, Dorien Green is a middle-aged married woman who is constantly having affairs with younger men. In the later series the location is changed to Hainault. The series ended on Christmas Eve 1998 after a 9-year-run.


Fear Thy Neighbor

Fear Thy Neighbor 2014


These are the terrifying tales of the unwanted neighbors who turn home sweet home into home sweet hell. A look inside the lives of horrific neighborly disputes and what happens when a simple issue turns into the worst night of a family's life. Do you really know who lives next door? This true-crime series tells the chilling tales of those with the misfortune to unwittingly take up residence within a stone’s throw of a psycho or killer.



227 1985


A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C., and discusses all manner of things with her neighbors.


Our dear neighbors

Our dear neighbors 2012


Large family or recomposed, teenagers tortured by their hormones, mothers overwhelmed family, students and party rascals, pretty sexy neighbor, retired always on the lookout for a gossip ... Life and relations - sometimes friendly, sometimes tense , but always funny of a band of neighbors who cross every day, like millions of French ... In front of the landing, in the elevator, while leaving the garbage cans or leaving to work ...


La que se avecina

La que se avecina 2007


La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well as cable/satellite channels FactoríaDeFicción and Paramount Comedy. The series debuted in 22 April 2007 and became popular thanks to its funny characters, witty script, use of catchphrases and capacity to integrate and poke fun at contemporary issues; the program presents a caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society. The name of the show involves wordplay, as "vecina" is the Spanish word for neighbour.


Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives 2004


Looking down on her friends and family isn't a way of life for Mary Alice Young... it's a way of death. One day, in her perfect house, in the loveliest of suburbs, Mary Alice ended it all. Now she's taking us into the lives of her family, friends and neighbors, commenting from her elevated P.O.V.


Hope and Gloria

Hope and Gloria 1995


Hope and Gloria is an American sitcom produced by Warner Bros. Television and aired on NBC from March 9, 1995, through June 22, 1996. The show was canceled after 35 episodes. It starred Cynthia Stevenson and Jessica Lundy, respectively, as the titular characters, both working in an office environment in downtown Pittsburgh. The program also starred Alan Thicke as a local talk show host and featured Enrico Colantoni in one of his first regular roles on television. The series was broadcast in Britain on ITV during the 1996 summer holiday, going out Monday to Friday for seven weeks.


Men Behaving Badly

Men Behaving Badly 1992


Sitcom following the misadventures of laddish flatmates Gary and Tony


Robson Arms

Robson Arms 2005


Robson Arms follows the lives of the tenants in a once-grand low-rise in Vancouver's eclectic West End. The building is home to an unlikely collection of characters who live under one roof, yet occupy different worlds. One thing is certain, you'll never see your neighbours the same way again.


Cougar Town

Cougar Town 2009


Jules Cobb is a mom in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter. Along for the journey is her son, her ex-husband, her husband/neighbor and her friends who together make up her dysfunctional, but supportive and caring extended family... even if they have a funny way of showing it sometimes.



Vecinos 2005


The everyday life of people in Mexican neighborhoods, where anything can be found. Each episode interacts between these peculiar neighbors, where they encounter real and fictitious problems.


Flower Boy Next Door

Flower Boy Next Door 2013


Go Dok Mi doesn't spend all day dreaming about her knight in shining armor — she’s too busy spying on her neighbors who all happen to be hot, "flower-boy" types, including cartoon artist Oh Jin Rak. But when Enrique Geum, the new pretty boy next door, catches her, Dok Mi is finally forced to face the consequences - without the safety of binoculars and curtains. Will he be able to convince this “urban Rapunzel” to let her hair down? Whether you’re a lover or a fighter, this sensitive man will captivate your sensibilities.


Melrose Place

Melrose Place 2009


In an elegant Spanish-style apartment building in the trendy Melrose neighborhood of Los Angeles, a diverse group of 20-somethings have formed a close-knit surrogate family. However, when a bloody body is found floating in the courtyard pool, the police soon discover that almost everyone had a reason to want the deceased out of the way.


The L.A. Complex

The L.A. Complex 2012


Six young performers having been dubbed “most likely to succeed” in their hometowns now face the challenges and opportunities of a lifetime in the City of Angels.


Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha 2021


A big-city dentist opens up a practice in a close-knit seaside village, home to a charming jack-of-all-trades who is her polar opposite in every way.