Paraula clau Blind
No respiris 2016
Uns joves lladres creuen que han trobat l'oportunitat de cometre el robatori perfecte. El seu objectiu serà un cec solitari, posseïdor de milions de dòlars ocults. Però tan bon punt entren a casa seva seran conscients del seu error, ja que es trobaran atrapats i lluitant per sobreviure contra un psicòpata amb els seus propis i temibles secrets.
마담 뺑덕 2014
La mansió de les tenebres 1959
Un excèntric milionari convida cinc persones a la seva mansió, on es diu que s'han comès crims en el passat. Els ofereix 10.000 dòlars si hi passen una nit sencera, incomunicats, fins que tornin els criats. Els convidats no es coneixen entre ells ni tampoc l'amfitrió, però necessiten diners. Així, els cinc estranys, l'amo i la seva dona romanen a la casa, on comencen a passar successos estranys.
El llibre d’Eli 2010
En un futur apocalíptic, 30 anys després de la "resplendor" que va aniquilar la gairebé totalitat de la societat civilitzada, uns quants humans sobreviuen en un ambient increïblement hostil i àrid. Violacions, canibalisme i salvatgisme imperen en unes derruïdes ciutats on el més fort i el que posseeix l'aigua imposa la seva llei. Vagant per la carretera, un guerrer solitari (Denzel Washington) es dirigeix a l'oest amb una sola missió: protegir un misteriós llibre que porta a la motxilla.
Don't Breathe 2 2021
Set ànimes 2008
Ben Thomas és un inspector d'Hisenda que comença a contactar amb determinades persones amb l'aparent intenció d'ajudar, a tots de diferents maneres, sense que sapiguem bé ni les seves raons ni els seus objectius. Aparentment Ben té un pla, però quan coneix a una d'aquestes persones, l'atractiva Emily, comença a sentir alguna cosa per ella, complicant els seus misteriosos plans.
Profumo di donna 1974
座頭市 2003
En un racó del cor 1984
Ambientada a Texas durant la Gran Depressió (anys 30). Una dona que acaba d'enviudar (Sally Field) i és mare de dos fills ensopega amb greus dificultats econòmiques per tirar endavant perquè no pot pagar la hipoteca que pesa sobre la granja. Entre els seus amics hi ha el senyor Will (John Malkovich), un hoste cec, i Moze (Danny Glover), un negre que l'ajuda en les feines agrícoles i que coneix molt bé quina és la seva posició en una ciutat del sud dominada pels blancs.
Greyhawk 2014
Black 2005
Mira per mi 2022
Quan Sophie, una famosa esquiadora es queda cega, la seva carrera s'acaba i troba una ocupació dedicant-se a cuidar gats de famílies que s'absenten de casa seva. Quan es dedica a cuidar els gats d'una família adinerada en una manta remota, tres lladres envaeixen el lloc per robar la caixa forta de la casa. L'única defensa de Sophie és Kelly, una veterana de l'exèrcit amb què ha contactat a través de l'app See For Me. Kelly ajuda Sophie a defensar-se dels invasors i a sobreviure.
Sins 2012
Entre ombres 2018
Late Phases 2014
座頭市 1989
怪談 1965
형 2016
At First Sight 1999
Daredevil: Born Again 2025
Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer with heightened abilities, is fighting for justice through his bustling law firm, while former mob boss Wilson Fisk pursues his own political endeavors in New York. When their past identities begin to emerge, both men find themselves on an inevitable collision course.
Marvel's Daredevil 2015
Lawyer-by-day Matt Murdock uses his heightened senses from being blinded as a young boy to fight crime at night on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen as Daredevil.
See 2019
A virus has decimated humankind. Those who survived emerged blind. Centuries later when twins are born with the mythic ability to see, their father must protect his tribe against a threatened queen.
Slay the Gods 2024
"If the dark night comes to an end, I will stand in front of tens of thousands of people, slashing my sword into the abyss, staining the sky with blood!" Have you ever thought that monsters from ancient myths lurk under the bright neon cities? Have you ever thought that above the moon hanging high above the heads of the world, there are gods watching over the world? Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the world in place of gods?
The OA 2016
Prairie Johnson, blind as a child, comes home to the community she grew up in with her sight restored. Some hail her a miracle, others a dangerous mystery, but Prairie won’t talk with the FBI or her parents about the seven years she went missing.
Mr. Magoo 2019
Mr. Magoo, the eponymous kind-hearted fellow is always happy to lend a hand, but often causes disasters instead as without his glasses he makes all kinds of chaotic mix-ups. Despite this, his only enemy is his neighbor Fizz: a megalomaniacal hamster and his human minion, Weasel, who are somehow always accidentally thwarted by Magoo.
City of Vice 2008
In the 1750s London’s perilous streets were run by armed gangs, corrupt night watchmen and thief takers. Then two Westminster magistrates, novelist Henry Fielding and his brother, John, obtained a grant from Parliament allowing them to bring some law and order to the crime-ridden boroughs of Central London.
Sight Unseen 2024
Homicide detective Tess Avery is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel, a professional seeing-eye guide and agoraphobe living 3,000 miles away. Haunted by the unsolved cases she left behind, Tess uses a hidden camera and earpiece, while Sunny remotely steers Tess through life's obstacles -- and crimes -- as the two challenge preconceptions about ability, trust and where to draw the line.
Growing Up Fisher 2014
It's not every family that's brought closer together by divorce, but then again, the Fishers are anything but typical.
Mimi & Lisa 2013
Blind Mimi and her best friend Lisa discover the world around them and experience fantastic adventures.
Point de vue 2018
Les complices 2019
My Love Toram 2005
My Love Toram is about a woman who loses her sight in an accident. She despairs at first, but finds new hope to live again through the help of her guide dog, Toram.
My Kind of Town 2020
Ian Hamilton and his guide dog, Major, explore the past, present and future of towns across Scotland.
Blind Young Things 1970
Blind Young Things is a 2007 British documentary about students at the Royal National College for the Blind in Hereford. The film was shown on Channel 4 as part of the Cutting Edge documentary strand, and aired on 30 April 2007. The film won a Royal Television Society award for Channel Four and the Cutting Edge team in 2008.
Biano the Blind 2011
A blind young man gets hold of an amulet that makes him a deadly sharpshooter—-a special power he uses to help those in need.