Paraula clau Asia
The Creator 2023
Descrit com un thriller postapocalíptic que involucra un futur impactat per una guerra entre humans i IA.
Kill Bill: Volum 1 2003
Uma Thurman és una assassina que, el dia del seu casament, és atacada pels membres de la banda del seu cap, Bill (David Carradine). Assoleix sobreviure a l'atac, encara que queda en coma. Cinc anys després desperta amb un tros de metall al cap i un gran desig de venjança al seu cor.
Només es viu dues vegades 1967
Un sinistre personatge anomenat Blofeld vol provocar la Tercera Guerra Mundial. Aprofitant un llançament de míssils dels Estats Units i la Unió Soviètica, llança un coet que absorbeix els dos míssils i els du a la seva base. D'aquesta manera enfronta les dues potències fins al punt que el Servei Secret britànic decideix enviar James Bond a Orient, on sospiten que hi ha la base de Blofeld. Bond la localitza a l'interior d'un volcà inactiu. Blofeld el deté i li explica els seu plans. Però Bond aconsegueix escapar-se i dirigir un cos de comandos d'èlite japonesos per lluitar contra el conspirador.
バトル・ロワイアル 2000
Outcast 2014
一吻定情 2019
切腹 1962
La volta al món en vuitanta dies 1956
Adaptació de la novel·la homònima de Julles Verne. Un lladre ha robat 55.000 lliures del banc d'Anglaterra. Tots creuen que ha estat Philleas Fogg, un autèntic cavaller anglès, que ha fet una aposta amb els seus companys de club, assegurant que és capaç de fer la volta al món en 80 dies.
Espies com nosaltres 1985
Chevy Chase i Dan Aykroyd són dos ingenus funcionaris dels serveis d'espionatge nord-americans que són utilitzats com a ham per despistar els agents russos, mentre els americans intenten dur a terme una astuta operació.
L’exòtic Hotel Marigold 2012
Un grup de jubilats britànics decideix gaudir del seu retir a l'Índia, atrets per la publicitat de l'Hotel Marigold i enlluernats per l'estança en un complex de luxe. Això no obstant, el que troben a la seva arribada és una ombra del que aquest tronat palau va ser en el passat. Tots ells es troben desorientats per una Índia plena de contrastos, al mateix temps embriagadora i aterridora, bella i estranya. Al principi, als nouvinguts els neguiteja el seu futur, però a mesura que es familiaritzen amb el país i fan noves amistats, s'adonen que la vida i l'amor brollen arreu.
Bangkok Dangerous 2008
一命 2011
Men of War 1994
Attrition 2018
Voluntaris 1985
Un jove ric no tindrà més remei que allistar-se en un cos de voluntaris per a la pau i marxar a Tailàndia per eludir els deutes contrets en el joc.
All Saints 2017
Орда 2012
ラバーズ・ラバー 1996
Shōgun 1980
An English navigator becomes both a player and pawn in complex political games in feudal Japan.
The Legend of Korra 2012
Avatar Korra, a headstrong, rebellious, feisty young woman who continually challenges and breaks with tradition, is on her quest to become a fully realized Avatar. In this story, the Avatar struggles to find balance within herself.
Avatar: The Last Airbender 2005
In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world.
Asia Express 2018
Asia Express is the Romanian version of the reality show Peking Express which was created in 2004.
Drag Race Philippines 2022
The hit global drag phenomenon is now in the Philippines! Watch as 12 iconic queens slay and race to the finish line and compete to be the first ever Drag Race Superstar from the Philippines. It’s the Filipinos’ time to shine, henny... and you ain’t seen nothing yet!
Asia 2024
From the vast Gobi Desert to the jungles of Borneo, and from the polar wilderness of Siberia to the coral seas of the Indian Ocean, showcasing the breath-taking variety of Asia's wildest places.
It Ain't Half Hot Mum 1974
The comic adventures of a group of misfits who form an extremely bad concert party touring the hot and steamy jungles of Burma entertaining the troops during World War II.
Twogether 2020
Paired together for an unforgettable trip across Asia, stars Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu become buddies as they connect with fans and local cultures.
Medianoche en Asia: Comer · Bailar · Soñar 2022
Night brings out the most playful side of Asia's metropolises. This docuseries captures the food, drink, music — and night owls who shine in the dark.
Asie Insolite 2013
Anna and the King 1972
A stern schoolteacher clashes with an aristocratic 19th-century king.
Ázsia Expressz 2017
Love in Time 2015
A 224 year old man guarded himself for 200 years due to a damaged romance. Growing up in a village, the man goes through enormous changes, including experiencing the murder of his lover by a demon. He survived because a vampire rescued him. He was heartbroken, but can't get the tears out until he meets the energetic female lead. His heart unconsciously melted by her heartwarming love. The guy had an immortal body, while the girl only lives until age 80. Is it Heaven that's playing games with them or are they a match from Heaven?
Bring 'Em Back Alive 1982
Bring 'Em Back Alive is an adventure television series starring Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan and Ron O'Neal. The series was shown in the United States from September 1982 to May 1983. Set in Singapore, it was one of several shows like Tales of the Gold Monkey to try to capture the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. In reality, Frank Buck was a real big game trapper who was very famous in the 1930s. He wrote a book entitled Bring 'Em Back Alive. He appeared in several movies including a 1932 adaptation of the book and is remembered by serial fans as the star of Jungle Menace. It lasted only 17 episodes before being cancelled because of low ratings, due to being scheduled against ABC's Top 30 hits Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley.
101 East 2007
Bold, untold stories from across Asia and the Pacific. Al Jazeera's in-depth, weekly current affairs programme from the world's most populated region.
72 Dangerous Animals: Asia 2018
From fangs to claws to venomous stings, they all wield deadly weapons. But which creature will be crowned the fiercest of all?
Joanna Lumley's Trans-Siberian Adventure 2015
The cameras follow Joanna Lumley as she travels from East to West on a Trans-Siberian adventure. She starts in Hong Kong and crosses 5777 miles of both Asia and Europe, through seven time zones, taking in an immense panorama of vistas and cultures, people and places, before her final arrival in Moscow.
Being British East Asian: Sex, Beauty & Bodies 2020
Exploring body image, sex, and beauty, Elaine Chong challenges all she learned from movies, TV, and even family while growing up British East Asian and explores why the desire to fit in to a foreign culture while meeting the standards demanded by Asian family can leave some in an almost impossible situation.
Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom 2013
For the first time in over 50 years, a team of wildlife film-makers and scientists has been granted access to venture deep into Burma's impenetrable jungles. Their mission is to discover whether these forests are home to iconic animals, rapidly disappearing from the rest of the world - this expedition has come not a moment too soon.
Rubio in Search of the Lost Taste 2019
Chef Rubio's journey in search of the real ones flavors of the Far East will affect Thailand, China and Vietnam. As always, the chef will alternate stages in large cities with stages in small country villages, in order to show the public what the real local gastronomy is.