La La Land

La La Land 2016


Mia, una jove aspirant a actriu que treballa com a cambrera mentre va a càstings, Sebastian, un pianista de jazz que es guanya la vida tocant en sòrdids tuguris, s'enamoren, però la seva gran ambició per arribar al cim en les seves carreres artístiques amenaça de separar-los.



Whiplash 2014


L'Andrew Neiman és un bateria jove i ambiciós. La seva carrera canvia quan en Terence Fletcher, que dirigeix el conjunt de jazz d'un conservatori de prestigi, el tria per formar part del grup. La passió de noi, combinada amb l'exigència del professor, portarà el protagonista al límit de les seves capacitats.



Soul 2020


En Joe Gardner, músic d’institut, té l’oportunitat de tocar al millor club de jazz de Nova York. El seu destí canvia quan una petita ensopegada el transporta als carrers d’un lloc fantàstic.


Els Blues Brothers

Els Blues Brothers 1980


Després de viure uns anys a la presó, en Jake Blues és alliberat per bon comportament. Surt del centre penitenciari vestit de la mateixa manera que va entrar: vestit i barret negres i ulleres fosques. A la porta l'espera el seu germà Elwood vestit de manera idèntica. Ara, l'única llar que van conèixer està en perill. L'orfenat de Santa Elena necessita una gran quantitat de diners, i ells intervindran.


El color púrpura

El color púrpura 1985


Principis del segle XX. Narra la història de Celie, una adolescent negra de catorze anys que està embarassada del seu pare, un home despòtic i cruel. A partir de llavors la seva vida estarà plena de dolor i humiliacions.


Anatomia d’un assassinat

Anatomia d’un assassinat 1959


Frederick Manion (Ben Gazzara), un tinent de l'exèrcit, assassina fredament el presumpte violador de la seva dona Laura (Lee Remick). Després de la detenció, se celebra el judici. La seva dona contracta com a advocat defensor Paul Biegler (James Stewart), un honrat home de lleis. Durant el judici es reflectiran tota mena d'emocions i passions, des de la gelosia a la ràbia. Un dels drames judicials més famosos de la història del cine.



Ray 2004



Blue Giant

Blue Giant 2023


Un estudiant de Sendai, al Japó, s’apassiona sobtadament pel jazz quan li regalen un saxofon. No té formació musical ni cap talent especial i tampoc no és conscient de l’esforç que haurà de fer per aprendre a tocar-lo. Però la seva tenacitat i obsessió per l’instrument el duran a assajar cada dia.


L’home del braç d’or

L’home del braç d’or 1955


Frankie Machina, un malfactor addicte al joc i l'heroïna, interpretat superbament per Frank Sinatra, després de passar una bona temporada a la presó, torna a casa seva a Chicago amb la seva dona, Eleanor Parker, amb el propòsit ferm de deixar enrere el seu passat criminal i rehabilitar-se de les addiccions. Però no us resultarà fàcil, ja que us estaran esperant les seves velles i indesitjables amistats, que tractaran per tots els mitjans, que torni als seus antics hàbits.


Cotton Club

Cotton Club 1984


Amèrica, anys vint. El Cotton Club és el night club de jazz més famós de Harlem (Nova York). La seva història és la història de la gent que freqüenta el local: Dixie Dwyer (Richard Gere), un atractiu trompetista que busca l'èxit i la sort del qual canvia radicalment quan salva la vida del gàngster Dutch Schultz; Sandman Williams (Gregory Hines), un brillant ballarí negre que somia convertir-se en estrella, o Vera Cicero (Diane Lane), la núvia de Dutch Schultz, una jove bella i ambiciosa la vida de la qual corre perill a causa de la passió prohibida que sent per Dixie .


Les vacances del Sr. Hulot

Les vacances del Sr. Hulot 1953


En un balneari de la costa atlàntica, els estiuejants són incapaços d'apartar-se dels seus rutinaris costums urbans, fins que el senyor Hulot arriba al volant de la seva vella tartana i trenca la calma estival. Es mostra maldestre i comet nombroses pífies però per alegria dels nens, Hulot oferirà als hostes de l'hotel unes vacances inoblidables. Al final de la seva estada, tothom torna a casa sense que hagi passat res de greu.


Acords i desacords

Acords i desacords 1999


A Amèrica als anys 30. Emmet Ray és un geni del jazz, un guitarrista magistral que viu obsessionat pel llegendari Django Reinhardt. No obstant, quan baixa de l'escenari es converteix en un tipus arrogant, groller, faldiller i bevedor. Encara que sap que és un músic amb talent, també sap que la seva dissipada vida, la seva tendència a ficar-se en problemes i la seva incapacitat per comprometre's li impedeixen aconseguir el cim professional i sentimental. Un dia l'Emmet coneix a la Hattie, una noia muda amb la que comença a sortir.



Amy 2015



Van disparar al pianista

Van disparar al pianista 2023


Un periodista americà acaba de publicar a la revista New Yorker un reportatge al voltant dels 50 anys de la bossa nova. La Jessica, una editora entusiasmada amb l'article, li proposa d'escriure un llibre sobre aquest moviment. Tot canvia quan sospiten sobre una possible desaparició i comença una trepidant investigació.


Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop 1998


In 2071, roughly fifty years after an accident with a hyperspace gateway made the Earth almost uninhabitable, humanity has colonized most of the rocky planets and moons of the Solar System. Amid a rising crime rate, the Inter Solar System Police (ISSP) set up a legalized contract system, in which registered bounty hunters, also referred to as "Cowboys", chase criminals and bring them in alive in return for a reward.


Great Dance Crew

Great Dance Crew 2022


Jointly initiated by Youku and the Hip-Hop Committee of the China's Dancer Association, and officially collaborating with the World Hip Hop Dance Championship (HHI). Through the process of a few artists establishing their own 'women's dance crew', we will all gather China's street dance professionals and female street dancers from all walks of life. Through rounds of competition, the strongest street dance crew will be chosen eventually, and will take part in a world class street dance crew competition, creating a professional and publicly regarded performance works, showcasing the positive influence that dance has on the younger generation.


Kids on the Slope

Kids on the Slope 2012


Two different students - a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent - form a friendship through their love for music.


Johnny Staccato

Johnny Staccato 1959


Johnny Staccato is an American private detective series which ran for 27 episodes on NBC from September 10, 1959 through March 24, 1960.


Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 2015


Federation troops and Zeon forces carry out a fierce battle in the Thunderbolt Sector in what was once Side 4 "Mua". The Thunderbolt Sector is a shoal zone composed of the debris of destroyed space colonies, named for the electrical discharges from the metal debris. MS pilot Io Flemming is among the Federation soldiers who are dispatched to the area, where Zeon sniper Daryl Lorenz awaits them on the battlefield.



Treme 2010


Tremé takes its name from a neighborhood of New Orleans and portrays life in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricane. Beginning three months after Hurricane Katrina, the residents of New Orleans, including musicians, chefs, Mardi Gras Indians, and other New Orleanians struggle to rebuild their lives, their homes and their unique culture.


Dancing on the Edge

Dancing on the Edge 2013


An explosive 1930s drama following a jazz band in London at a time of huge change.


Grand Army

Grand Army 2020


Five students at the largest public high school in Brooklyn take on a chaotic world as they fight to succeed, survive, break free and seize the future.


The Spoils Before Dying

The Spoils Before Dying 2015


Fictional author-filmmaker, Eric Jonrosh, adapts his epic tale of a pianist-turned-detective investigating a murder in the 1950s underground jazz scene.


Jazz for Two

Jazz for Two 2024


Han Tae Yi lost his will to live after the death of his older brother, who was a genius jazz pianist. To Tae Yi, transfer student Yoon Se Heon is truly an uninvited guest. Se Heon has been playing jazz that reminds Tae Yi of his brother since the first day he transferred to school and gets on Tae Yi’s nerves. Se Heon also suspects that Tae Yi has a suspicious relationship with his friend Seo Do Yoon. Se Heon, who longs to play jazz freely and escape the eyes of his strict classical music professor father and Tae Yi, who wants to give up everything, was assigned to the same group for joint performance evaluation. As they practice together, they find themselves developing complex emotions for one another. However, just as their relationship begins to deepen, Song Joo Ha, a senior student who was suspended from school, returns to school, and his presence begins to stir up things between Tae Yi and Se Heon.



Jazz 2001


Jazz is a ten part series that explores the evolution – and the genius – of America’s greatest original art form, focusing on the extraordinary men and women who could do something remarkable – create art on the spot. Jazz celebrates their profoundly enduring, endlessly varied, and infinitely alluring music in the context of the complicated country that gave birth to and influenced it, and was in turn transformed by it.


Moon Over Miami

Moon Over Miami 1993


Moon Over Miami is a short-lived American comedy series that aired on ABC.


Wayne Shorter: Zero Gravity

Wayne Shorter: Zero Gravity 2023


A cinematic ode to jazz legend, Wayne Shorter. Depicted in 3 portals, the viewer is transported into prolific periods of Shorter's life and how through adversity, he grew to greatness, shattered the limitations of jazz, and became one of the most influential musicians and composers in American music.


Masters Of American Music

Masters Of American Music 1970


Masters of American Music is a multi-award-winning television series, as entertaining and memorable as it is educational, it is a must have for any true music fan. The series celebrates a pantheon of the greatest musical innovators with individual programmes tracing the lives and works of master musicians who defined the course of American’s musical history. From the birth of the blues in New Orleans to Swing, Big Band, Bebop, Free Jazz and beyond – all of this rich tapestry is explored with sensitivity and unique depth. The featured artists come to life through conversations with their contemporaries, exciting and rare live performances, period footage and vintage photographs, all of which have been meticulously produced.