Cop d’efecte

Cop d’efecte 2012


En Gus Lobel ha estat un dels millors caçatalents del beisbol professional, però els anys li comencen a pesar i li falla la vista. El director esportiu dels Atlanta Braves s'està plantejant jubilar-lo, però l'equip vol fitxar el gran fenomen de les lligues inferiors i en Gus és el caçatalents encarregat de comprovar si és tan bo com diuen. L'única persona que el pot ajudar és l'última a qui demanaria ajuda: la seva filla Mickey, una advocada que està a punt d'aconseguir que la facin sòcia del bufet on treballa. Tot i les seves reticències, la Mickey es reuneix amb en Gus a Carolina del Nord i arrisca la seva carrera per salvar la del seu pare.


Junts i barrejats

Junts i barrejats 2014


Després d'una desastrosa cita a cegues, els pares solters es mostren d'acord en una sola cosa: no es vol tornar a veure mai més. Però es troben durant unes vacances a l'Àfrica.


La gran evasió

La gran evasió 1963


El 1943 els nazis, exasperats pel nombre de fugues de les seves presons per un nombre relativament petit de presoners aliats, decideixen traslladar-los a tots a una presó d'alta seguretat "a prova de fugues" durant la resta de la guerra. Els presos no triguen a traçar el pla d?un dels intents de fuga més ambiciosos de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Basat en una història real.



Big 1988


Josh Baskin té tretze anys però, cansat que les noies no li facin cas i que els seus pares el tractin com a un nen, vol ser gran. Una nit troba en una fira una vella màquina que concedeix un desig a canvi d'una moneda. Josh, sense dubtar-ho un instant, demana fer-se gran. L'endemà al matí descobreix al mirall un cos d'adult. L'altra cara de la moneda seran els problemes i les responsabilitats que ha d'assumir sense cap experiència prèvia.



Moneyball 2011


En Billy Beane és el director d'un equip de beisbol i es fa famós quan aconsegueix grans èxits amb un mètode nou. Es tracta de Moneyball, un programa que empra tècniques estadístiques per coordinar els jugadors.



Frequency 2000


Una tempesta solar excepcional que provoca aurores boreals sobre Nova York altera les comunicacions per ràdio i fa que un pare i un fill contactin accidentalment a través d'una emissora de radioaficionat, tot i la distància temporal de trenta anys que els separa. El fill ho aprofita per avisar el pare de la seva mort imminent en un incendi, aquest fet genera altres conseqüències, entre elles l'assassinat de la mare. Ara pare i fill, separats per trenta anys, hauran de mirar de trobar l'assassí per tornar a canviar la història.



Fences 2016


Als anys 50, un pare afroamericà lluita contra els prejudicis racials mentre intenta tirar endavant la seva família en una sèrie d'esdeveniments fonamentals en la seva vida per a ell i per als seus.


Elles donen el cop

Elles donen el cop 1992


El 1943, mentre els homes estaven a la guerra, el beisbol va estar a punt de desaparèixer. Aleshores es va formar una lliga femenina que intentava captar l'atenció del públic. Dottie i Mae formaven part d'un dels equips femenins que havien de demostrar que eren capaços de competir i lluitar com a homes. El pitjor era que havien de suportar Jimmy, un sarcàstic i alcohòlic entrenador.


Camp de somnis

Camp de somnis 1989


Un granger d'Iowa té un dia una visió: ha de construir un camp de beisbol a les seves terres per tal que velles glòries, ja mortes, baixin del cel...


Com saps si...?

Com saps si...? 2010


Lisa Jorgenson és una jove atleta de 31 anys que està convençuda que la seva vida sentimental és un fracàs. Però, inesperadament, es veurà envoltada d'un divertit triangle amorós amb George, un executiu en plena crisi, i Matty, un jugador de beisbol professional. Per quin dels dos es decidirà? Com es pot saber què és l'amor veritable?


Contes de Tòquio

Contes de Tòquio 1953


Un matrimoni ja gran decideix visitar els fills a Tòquio i comprova amb tristesa que només són una càrrega per a ells. El viatge, que té com a objectiu la reunificació d’una família , es converteix, per contra, en el detonant que obre fissures irreparables i mostra dues concepcions de l’existència humana diametralment oposades.



42 2013


Història de la vida del afroamericà Jackie Robinson, llegendari jugador de beisbol que va trencar les barreres racials, després de signar amb els Dodgers de Brooklyn sota la direcció de l'executiu Branch Rickey. La participació de Robinson en la gran lliga de beisbol va suposar la fi d'una era de segregació racial en aquest esport.


El millor

El millor 1984


Res no impediria que Roy Hobbs complís el seu somni de ser una estrella del beisbol. Robert Redford protagonitza aquesta inspiradora història que comença quan Hobbs (Redford), amb 14 anys, fa un bat molt potent de la fusta d'un roure caigut. Ben aviat impressiona els caçatalents de les lligues professionals amb la seva habilitat i queda gravat a la retina del periodista esportiu Max Mercy (Robert Duvall), el qual acabarà sent clau a la carrera de Hobbs. No obstant, una trobada amb una dona misteriosa fa malbé amb el seu somni. Passen els anys i un Hobbs més gran reapareix com un novell als New York Knights. Superant el dolor físic i desafiant aquells que els interessa veure perdre els Knights, Hobbs, amb la bat de la infància, té l'oportunitat de fer guanyar la lliga als Knights i per fi complir el seu somni.



Touch 1985


Twins Kazuya and Tatsuya, and their neighbor Minami have played together since they were children and built an unbreakable bond. But with puberty, the twins realized something: Minami is a girl, and three is a crowd. As the trio tries to preserve their relationship, Kazuya's pledge to make Minami's dream come true by taking her to Koshien with his baseball pitching skills makes the slackerish Tatsuya wonder about himself, and his own goals. But Minami has another dream she wants fulfilled, and as the twins continue to push themselves, with Minami in the middle, a life-changing tragedy leads one twin down a path he once never would've considered...


Major 2nd

Major 2nd 2018


Shigeno Daigo is an elementary student whose father, Goro, is a professional baseball player. Inspired by his father, who was once a Major League player, Daigo started playing baseball with the Mifune Dolphins, a youth team. However, he was unable to live up to the expectations of being the son of a professional, and quit baseball after less than a year. Then, in the spring of his sixth-grade year, Daigo's school welcomes a transfer student, Sato Hikaru, whose father is Sato Toshiya, a former Major League player and Goro's close friend. The fate of these two young men begins to move forward!


Sunny Ryoko

Sunny Ryoko 1987


Kishimoto Kasumi, a 15-year-old girl, was supposed to live at her auntie's house in order to go to high school since April. However, when she moved to the house she was surprised with the fact that there were already four new male students living in the same house. To make the matter worse, that day while she was taking a bath, Takasugi Yusaku, one of those boys, came into the bath and saw her naked. This is how Kasumi's troublesome high school days started. (Source: AniDB)


Prison Playbook

Prison Playbook 2017


With his major league baseball debut right around the corner, a star pitcher lands in prison and must learn to navigate his new world.



Major 2004


Honda Goro the son of a famous baseball player loves nothing more than baseball itself. His biggest dream is to show his father that he can become the best pitcher in the world despite all the hardships he had to endure he keeps on running towards his goal at full speed.


Ace of Diamond

Ace of Diamond 2013


Eijun Sawamura is a pitcher who joins an elite school with a brilliant catcher named Kazuya Miyuki. Together with the rest of the team, they strive for Japan's storied Koushien championships through hard work and determination.


Princess Nine

Princess Nine 1998


Keiko Himuro, Chairman of the Kisuragi School, puts together an all-girl baseball team led by Ryo Hayakawa, daughter of a legendary pitcher, in hopes of proving that girls can compete just as well as boys. Their goal: Koshien stadium, where only the best teams get the opportunity to play.


A Clean Sweep

A Clean Sweep 2022


Amateur baseball players go up against legendary pros in a championship to determine the ultimate winning team.


Taisho Baseball Girls

Taisho Baseball Girls 2009


In 1925 (year 14 of the Taishō period), after being told by a baseball player that women should become housewives instead of going to school, two 14-year-old Japanese high school girls named Koume and Akiko decide to start a baseball team in order to prove him wrong. During this time, when even running was considered too vulgar for women, baseball is known as "what the boys do" and they face many difficulties when searching members, getting permission from their parents and when learning about the sport itself.



H2 1995


Kunimi Hiro is a high school student, who is forced to give up his ambitions as a professional baseball player due to a serious injury. Now at a new high school, Hiro gets involved with Haruko and her goals of reviving that school's baseball team. At first they must overcome the refusal of school principle, who still remembers a dishonorable defeat that the school's baseball suffered some ten years earlier. Even with permission to form a school baseball team, there are still the players to recruit and train, and the challenges of building a reputation of the team within the high school baseball circuit. This is a story of group of high school students and their love of the game of baseball. Hiro is national class pitcher and batter, with his best friend who is a catcher and with Haruko as the team manager, together they struggle to build a baseball team worthy of the national championship.


Stove League

Stove League 2019


Se Young is the youngest head of the management team of Dreams, a cellar-dwelling baseball team. She's highly recognized for her perseverance and intense passion for the team. One day, Seung Su is appointed as a general manager. Although he's been working in the sports field, the teams he led to the championship were unpopular, and some of them were even disbanded after winning the league due to the financial difficulties of their parent companies. Would this unlucky new general manager be able to steer Dreams to the championship with passionate Se Young?


Big Windup!

Big Windup! 2007


Ren Mihashi was the ace of his middle school's baseball team, but due to his poor pitching, they could never win. Constant losses eventually lead to his teammates bullying him and reached the point where his teammates no longer tried to win, causing Mihashi to graduate with little self-esteem. As a result, Mihashi decides to go to a high school in a different prefecture where he has no intention of playing baseball. Unfortunately, upon his arrival at Nishiura High, he is dragged into joining their new team as the starting pitcher. Although unwilling at first, Mihashi realizes that this is a place where he will be accepted for who he is; with help from the catcher Takaya Abe, he starts to have more confidence in his own abilities. Abe, seeing the potential in Mihashi, makes it a goal to help him become a pitcher worthy of being called an ace.


Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens

Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens 2018


Although the city of Fukuoka might look relatively peaceful at first glance, in actuality it houses a thriving mixture of dangerous individuals such as killers, detectives, and professional revenge seekers right beneath its surface. Among their number is Zenji Banba, a laidback and observant detective who is investigating the work of other hitmen companies in the area. However, Banba might not be the only one with a bone to pick with these organizations, as Xianming Ling, a crossdressing male hitman in the employ of one such company begins getting fed up with his lack of jobs and pay. One day, after Ling's current target commits suicide before the hitman could reach him, his company refuses to pay him even half the amount they were originally supposed to for the assassination. Frustrated, Ling requests another mission and is offered the job of taking out Banba, whom his organization believes has been interfering with their business. However, when Banba arrives at his home and finds the hitman inside, Ling surprisingly doesn't even attempt to kill him. Instead, he offers the detective another option: to join him and form a team. With the offer on the table, exactly how will Banba respond, and just what plans does Ling have in store for the underground world of Fukuoka?


Cross Game

Cross Game 2009


Kō Kitamura, whose family owns a sporting goods store, has known the Tsukishima girls since he was born. The Tsukishima family runs a batting center and cafe, and they have four daughters. There's Ichiyo, the responsible eldest; Wakaba, Kō's cheerful best friend; Aoba, who doesn't get along with Kō; and Momiji, the energetic youngest daughter. When Kō enters high school, he aspires to lead his baseball team to the Koshien National High School Championship as their ace pitcher and make Wakaba's dream come true.


Cinderella Nine

Cinderella Nine 2019


When Arihara Tsubasa enters Rigahama Municipal High School and learns that it has no baseball club, she starts up the Girls' Baseball Club on her own. Drawn to the club are girls who have never played baseball before, girls who once played it but quit, and girls who are constantly tackling great challenges. The Rigahama Girls' Baseball Club races through the trials of youth, periodically clashing and quarreling, but supporting each other all the way! And so begins the hottest summer the world has ever known...


Glory Jane

Glory Jane 2011


The series follows the romantic and professional trials of an aspiring nurse and two baseball players as they strive for their love and dreams.



Brockmire 2017


A famed major league baseball announcer who suffers an embarrassing and very public meltdown live on the air after discovering his beloved wife's serial infidelity decides to reclaim his career and love life in a small town a decade later.


Mix: Meisei Story

Mix: Meisei Story 2019


Because of the legend left by Tatsuya Uesugi, Meisei Academy High School was well-known for their strong baseball team. But 26 years after their glory, the team has not been able to keep their record and has since lost their fame. Two stepbrothers, Souichirou and Touma Tachibana, aim to revive of the once-strong Meisei Academy baseball team and enter the National High School Baseball Championship. Souichirou and Touma are second years in Meisei Academy Middle School. Both boys are talented baseball players. Souichirou has shown excellent skill as a catcher and batter. Though having an extraordinary skill as a pitcher, Touma no longer pitches due to a certain reason. Once the two enter high school, they pair as a battery and aim to enter the National High School Baseball Championship!



Battery 2016


Takumi Harada is an extremely gifted baseball pitcher. Upon entering junior high school, Takumi moves to a town situated in the mountains due to his father's job transfer. There, he meets a new classmate Go Nagakura, a catcher who is able to get Takumi's most powerful pitches. Takumi and Go both join the school's baseball team where they develop a firm friendship and grow as individuals through their battery.


Worst to First: A Teen Baseball Miracle

Worst to First: A Teen Baseball Miracle 2023


Nagumo Shuuji, a social studies teacher at Mie Prefecture’s Etsuzan Senior High School, was a former baseball player up until university when he quit after sustaining an injury. Thereafter, he worked as a sports trainer but returned to university at 32 years old in order to pursue his dream of becoming a teacher. However, his peaceful daily life goes through a change after he’s appointed to be the advisor of his school’s baseball club that is on the verge of abolition.