Exodus: Déus i reis

Exodus: Déus i reis 2014


Narra la història de Moisès (Christian Bale), un home el coratge del qual va desafiar un imperi quan es rebel·la contra el totpoderós faraó Ramsès (Joel Edgerton), alliberant 600.000 esclaus en una èpica fugida a través d'Egipte, plena de perills i mortíferes plagues , a la recerca de la Terra Promesa.



Espàrtac 1960


Una història èpica sobre esclaus gladiadors, autèntic cinema i espectacle (amb quatre premis Oscar) que aporta una reflexió profunda sobre la llibertat i l'enfrontament de classes.


Underworld: La rebel·lió dels licantrops

Underworld: La rebel·lió dels licantrops 2009


"Underworld: La rebel·lió dels licantrops" ens explica els orígens de la guerra entre vampirs i licantrops. Rhona Mitra dóna vida a Sonja, la filla de Viktor (Bill Nighy), líder dels vampirs, qui desafia les lleis de la seva raça en enamorar-se de Lucian (Michael Sheen), líder dels licantrops.



Pompeia 2014


Pompeia, any 79 dC. En Milo, un esclau convertit en gladiador, veu com obliguen la jove Cassia, el seu amor, a prometre’s amb en Corvus, un senador corrupte. Quan el Vesuvi entra en erupció i amenaça de destruir-ho tot, en Milo intentarà salvar-la mentre tot s’esfondra.


Enemic meu

Enemic meu 1985


Enemics per instint, amics per necessitat, un humà i un alienígena amb aspecte de rèptil lliuren en un planeta hostil una dura batalla, part de la salvatge guerra que enfronta la terra amb el planeta Dracon, habitat per éssers monstruosos. Aquesta guerra assoleix una dimensió que pot posar en perill la supervivència dels dos planetes i pot conduir a l'extermini total, però només forçats a confiar l'un a l'altre aconseguiran sobreviure.


La túnica sagrada

La túnica sagrada 1953


Segle I d.C. A la Roma de Tiberi, el jove i noble Marcelo Galio troba en una subhasta d'esclaus la bella Diana, enamorada d'ell des que eren nens, i ara pupil·la de l'emperador. Marcelo s'enfronta en una violenta licitació amb Calígula, fill i successor de Tiberi, i aconsegueix treure-li a l'esclau grec Demetrio. Assabentat l'emperador de la disputa, castiga Marcelo enviant-ho a Palestina en qualitat de tribú. Quan arriba, Ponci Pilat acaba de condemnar Crist a morir a la creu.


Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising 2009


Plena Edat Mitjana, al segle X. Un-Ull, un enigmàtic guerrer amb una força sobrehumana, que ha estat esclavitzat durant anys, mata al seu amo i aconsegueix escapar amb l'ajuda d'un nen al qual s'endú amb ell. Després d'enrolar-se en un vaixell víking, tots dos emprenen un viatge que els porta a una terra desconeguda, on regnen el dolor i la sang.



Spartacus 2010


Torn from his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where blood and death are primetime entertainment.


Up Pompeii!

Up Pompeii! 1970


Up Pompeii! is a British television comedy series broadcast between 1969 and 1970, starring Frankie Howerd. The first series was written by Talbot Rothwell, a scriptwriter for the Carry On films, and the second series by Rothwell and Sid Colin. Two later specials were transmitted in 1975 and 1991.


Chained Soldier

Chained Soldier 2024


Destructive monsters from the Mato dimension threaten the earth, while women gifted with powers from Peaches try to stop them. But to save the world, Yuuki must be willing to become Chief Kyoka's servant both on the battlefield and at home.


The Slave Hunters

The Slave Hunters 2010


Dae-gil is the leader of a group of slave hunters that are hired to find a runaway slave named Tae-ha, who was once a great warrior.



Plebs 2013


Sitcom about three desperate young men from the suburbs who try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city - which just happens to be ancient Rome.


Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 2018


29-year-old programmer Suzuki Ichirou finds himself transported into a fantasy RPG. Within the game, he's a 15-year-old named Satou. At first he thinks he's dreaming, but his experiences seem very real. Due to a powerful ability he possesses with limited use, he ends up wiping out an army of lizard men and becomes a high leveled adventurer. Satou decides to hide his level, and plans to live peacefully and meet new people. However, developments in the game's story, such as the return of a demon king, may cause a nuisance to Satou's plans.


The Tale of Lady Ok

The Tale of Lady Ok 2024


The fierce survival and success of a female slave in the Joseon Dynasty, and the story of a woman whose name, identity, and even her husband were all fake.


Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities

Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities 2022


In a world populated by powerful gods and warring mortals, two enchanted beings meet in a peace-filled realm: They are Su Mo, a prince of sea gods, and Bai Ying, a princess and descendant of a mighty sword deity. They are immediately attracted to one another and begin on a romance, unaware that they are effectively crossing enemy lines and sparking animosity between two warring factions. Their actions anger other deities and Su Mo is eventually expelled from the realm. Overcome with grief, Bai Ying attempts to put her existence to an end by jumping from a magnificent pagoda.



Kidnapped 1979


David McCallum stars as the rebellious Alan Breck Stewart, and this ambitious serial (a co-production between HTV and Germany's Tele-Munchen) also features a host of British character actors, including Bill Simpson, Patrick Allen, Andrew Keir, Patrick Magee and Frank Windsor. When young David Balfour arrives at his uncle's bleak Scottish house to claim his inheritance, his relative tries to murder him then has him shipped off to be sold as a slave in the colonies. Luckily for the lad, he strikes up a friendship with Alan Breck Stewart, who is on the run after Bonnie Prince Charlie's defeat at Culloden. When a ship's captain tries to kill Breck for his money, the two manage to get to land and set out for Edinburgh, dodging the ruthless Redcoats along the way.


The Long Song

The Long Song 2018


Set during the final days of slavery in 19th century Jamaica, we follow the trials, tribulations and survival of plantation slave July and her odious mistress Caroline.


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi 2012


This futuristic tale is set in a world where men are assigned various social classes based on their hair color. Iason Mink, a high-class Blondie, runs into Riki, a black-haired Mongrel, and makes him his "Pet." As Riki learns of the dangers Iason faces by keeping him, he finds himself developing feelings for his master. This is a remake of the 1992 OVA of the same name.


Alex Haley's Queen

Alex Haley's Queen 1993


Queen is the story about Easter, the illegitimate daughter of James Jackson, III and her lifelong affair with plantation owner Tim Daly, which would result in the birth of Queen. Queen's story revolves around her early years as a slave who yearns to know who her father is, and her condition as a fair skin mixed race woman who spends her life trying to figure out where exactly she fits in.


Dear America

Dear America 1999


Based on the best-selling Scholastic books; Dear America features the rich and spirited stories of young women at various turning points in history.


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi 1992


On planet Amoi, a great society has developed, creating a computerized city called Tanagura, ruled by supercomputer Jupiter. The populace is almost entirely male and is based on hair color; silver and/or blonds are the elitist, ending with dark/black haired as the bottom of society, often known as "mongrels". Blondies keep "pets", young boys kept for a few years, especially made for performing sexual actions for the Blondie's voyeurism entertainment. Blondies aren't suppose to keep pets for long or interact sexually with pets, but one blondie named Iason Mink has kept a pet named Rikki, for years and is rumored to sleep with him. Iason refuses to let go of Rikki, even with Jupiter's disapproval. Rikki fights with his emotions and society problems, unable to decide what to do about his old friend/lover Gai (Guy) and their gang. Iason is obsessed with keeping Rikki, and Rikki doesn't know what to do; fight against him or surrender to him.