
Zootròpolis 2016


Una conilleta arriba a la ciutat de Zootròpolis, on conviuen tota mena d'animals mamífers, per formar part d'un cos policial format per animals durs i enormes. Decidida a demostrar la seva vàlua, es lliura en cos i ànima a un cas, malgrat que ha de treballar amb un guillot xerraire i estafador per resoldre el misteri.



Magnòlia 1999


La pel·lícula consta de nou trames paral·leles que tenen lloc a la Vall de San Fernando, a Los Angeles: un nen prodigi, el presentador d'un concurs de televisió, un exnen prodigi, un moribund, el seu fill perdut, la dona i el infermer del moribund. Són històries aparentment independents, però que guarden entre si una relació estranya. Magnolia és el retrat de la vida americana vist a través d'una sèrie de vinyetes còmiques i commovedores.


Camp de somnis

Camp de somnis 1989


Un granger d'Iowa té un dia una visió: ha de construir un camp de beisbol a les seves terres per tal que velles glòries, ja mortes, baixin del cel...


La meva vida

La meva vida 1993


Bob Jones és un executiu d'èxit a què la vida posarà a prova. Casat amb Gail, la felicitat li arriba amb la notícia del proper naixement del primer fill. Però l'alegria es tornarà en tristesa quan, després d'unes proves mèdiques, li comuniquen que pateix una malaltia greu i que potser no podrà arribar a conèixer el seu fill.



Magnòlia 1951


Tercera versió de Hollywood del "fenomen Broadway" i de les vides i amors d'uns colorits personatges a bord d'un vaixell-teatre al riu Mississippi a principis del segle XX.


L’exdona de Bradford

L’exdona de Bradford 1936


Les relacions entre el doctor Brad i la seva exdona, Paula, són sorprenentment bones. Es van divorciar perquè Brad odiava estar involucrat en els assassinats a què Paula, escriptora de misteri, era addicta. Però Brad es veu involucrat en una mort estranya mentre disputava una partida de pòquer. Aleshores entra en escena la seva exdona, que pretén obtenir qualsevol pista sobre el cas.


Per Nadal, a casa

Per Nadal, a casa 1990


Una noia que vol un avi per Nadal. Escull un ex-convicte gran i sense llar (Mickey Rooney) com el seu pseudoavi i ell ensenya a ella i a la seva família, així com al seu fill desaparegut, el veritable significat del Nadal.


Bound At First Sight

Bound At First Sight 2023


Pei Yanyan and Gao Song fell in love in high school but broke up before they graduated college. As time passes the two are brought back together through their careers, 7 years later. Gao Song is now a university teacher and cybersecurity expert while Yanyan is a media reporter. Gao Song begins to realize he is still in love with Yanyan, and decides to break up with his girlfriend in an attempt to pursue Yanyan again. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, they both harbor resentment and love. Yanyan turns a blind eye until Gao Song encounters a life staking crisis. Only, then, Yanyan begins to admit her true emotions.


Hasty Youth

Hasty Youth 2022


Jiang Xiao Yu and Zhao Zuo Zuo do not want to break up upon graduation and choose to receive a marriage license before receiving their diploma. Zhao Zuo Zuo accidentally get pregnant near graduation, and the hurried marriage is in crisis. The child is accidentally lost, the two can not bear the blow of life and finally break up.


Queridos Amigos

Queridos Amigos 2008


Reserved, intelligent and generous, Leo has achieved professional success and now lives secluded in Serra da Cantareira, alongside young Karina. He discovers that he is ill, and decides to reunite the old friends of the 1970s, with whom he fought the military regime.


My Sweet Professor

My Sweet Professor 2022


In a hospital in K City, a sudden car accident caused Gao Yuan and Huo Shang, who hadn't seen each other for eight years, to meet again. Eight years ago, the dumb student Huo Shang and the smart student Gao Yuan became best friends by helping one another. They made a deal to be enrolled in the same university, but Liang Qi ended up in an accident, and after Huo Shang helped Gao Yuan and Liang Qi out, he went missing. It has been a pain in the neck for Gao Yuan as Huo Shang left without saying anything. Now, they have a chance, to re-create the relationship and clear up understatements.


Jack o' Frost

Jack o' Frost 2023


Illustrator Okusawa Ritsu and salesman Ikegami Fumiya met at an old coffee shop and eventually fell in love and lived happily together. However, a misunderstanding arises between Ritsu, who lives freely, and Fumiya, who is swayed by it. After a fight, Ritsu leaves the house and is involved in an accident. Upon awakening, Ritsu had lost the memory of Fumiya. Wanting to start their relationship over from scratch, Fumiya hides the fact that he was dating Ritsu and resumes their joint life. However, Ritsu asks him to take him to a familiar place in order to regain his memory. Fumiya is reluctant, but the two of them start a journey to follow the trajectory of their relationship. The coffee shop where they met for the first time, the riverside road they always strolled, the places they both traveled to before dating. Sweet and bittersweet memories, the time they spend together haunts Fumiya's mind. Ritsu, on the other hand, finds himself gradually becoming attracted to Fumiya again.