
Cabaret 1972


Berlín, anys 30, en plena República de Weimar i abans de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Tot i la crisi del moment, els berlinesos prefereixen viure la màgia que els ofereix cada nit un cabaret amb estrella Sally, una ballarina i cantant que s'enamorarà de dos homes molt diferents entre si.


La cerca

La cerca 1948


Un introvertit nen txec de 9 anys, supervivent del camp de concentració d'Auschwitz, fuig d'un camp de refugiats a l'Alemanya de la postguerra, mirant de buscar la seva mare. El noi és trobat per un soldat americà que intentarà ajudar un nen a trobar-la.


Fast Track English

Fast Track English 1970


Fast Track English was a German educational television series produced by WDR, teaching English as a foreign or second language to German viewers. Produced in 1997 and 1998, the series was divided into two parts -- the main Fast Track English, which focuses on the essentials of the English language in daily life over 26 episodes; and Fast Track English - "The Business World", a 13-part series about the use of English in business.


Winter Cicada

Winter Cicada 2007


Fuyu no Semi is a Japanese anime OVA loosely based on the manga series, Embracing Love, which also aired on the Logo cable channel in the US. The story, set in historical Japan, follows two samurai from opposing political groups, one protectionist and the other globalist, who fall in love with each other.


Benza English

Benza English 2020


The cast from the hit Japanese comedy "The Benza" returns in this outlandish, outrageous spin off series that will teach you all the English you never knew you needed to know.