Paraula clau Nunhood
The Little Hours 2017
Visió 2009
Hildegard von Bingen era realment una dona avançada al seu temps. Visionària en tots els sentits de la paraula, aquesta famosa monja benedictina del segle XII va ser una mística cristiana, compositora, filòsofa, dramaturga, poetessa, naturalista, científica, metgessa, herbolària i activista ecologista.
The Summer House 1993
I figli di nessuno 1951
Yo, la peor de todas 1990
Stvořil jsem tebe 1991
I figli di nessuno 1921
The Flying Nun 1967
Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.
Juana Inés 2016
She was a self-taught scholar and a nun. And she refused to apologize for being a woman born into a man's world.