
Paràsits 2019


Tant Gi Taek com la seva família estan sense feina. Quan el seu fill gran, Gi Woo, comença a rebre classes particulars a casa de Park, les dues famílies, que tenen molt en comú malgrat pertànyer a dos mons totalment diferents, comencen una interrelació de resultats imprevisibles.


Gosford Park

Gosford Park 2001


Res és el que sembla a la mansió anglesa de Godsford Park, i el que comença com una tranquil·la reunió de cap de setmana per a una partida de caça convocada per Sir William McCordle i la seva esposa es transforma en un niu d'escurçons on algú serà assassinat. El grup de sospitosos és tan eclèctic com la reunió, i tant els nobles del pis de dalt com els plebeus de la part de baix semblen tenir alguna cosa a amagar.


Mary Poppins returns

Mary Poppins returns 2018


Mary Poppins és la mainadera gairebé perfecta, amb unes extraordinàries habilitats màgiques per convertir una tasca rutinària en una aventura inoblidable i fantàstica. Aquesta nova seqüela torna per ajudar la següent generació de la família Banks a trobar l'alegria i la màgia que falten a les seves vides després d'una tràgica pèrdua personal. La mainadera ve acompanyada del seu amic Jack, un optimista fanaler que ajuda a portar la llum -i la vida- als carrers de Londres.



Rebeca 1940


Al cap de poc temps de perdre la seva dona Rebeca, l'aristòcrata anglès Maxim De Winter coneix a Montecarlo una jove humil, dama de companyia d'una senyora americana. De Winter i la jove es casen i es viuran a la mansió anglesa de Manderley, residència habitual de De Winter. Aviat la senyora Winter s'adona que no pot esborrar al seu marit el record de la seva esposa difunta.


El que queda del dia

El que queda del dia 1993


El milionari nord-americà Lewis compra la mansió britànica de Lord Darlington i mor poc després de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Lewis hi manté el majordom Stevens, que hi ha treballat tota la vida. El majordom proposa contractar la senyoreta Kenton, que hi havia treballat de governanta als anys 30, i recorda l'arribada d'aquesta dona en un moment difícil per a ell. Stevens, educat per amagar tota mena d'emocions, rememora com l'amor va sorgir entre ell i la senyoreta Kenton.


Far from the Madding Crowd

Far from the Madding Crowd 2015


La independent, intel·ligent i jove Bathsheba Everdene es guanya la vida cuidant una granja. El jove i pròsper ramader Gabriel Oak s'enamora d'ella i li proposa matrimoni, però Bathsheba vol ser lliure i no accepta el seu oferiment.


Alex Rider: Operació Stormbreaker

Alex Rider: Operació Stormbreaker 2006


Alex Rider és un adolescent normal i corrent que viu amb el seu oncle, un director de banc avorrit… o això és el que sembla fins que l'oncle Ian Ryder mor en circumstàncies misterioses. Alex descobreix que el seu oncle era en realitat un espia, i que ha estat assassinat per Yassen Gregorovich , un dels criminals més perillosos del món. Reclutat pel Sr. Blunt i la Sra. Jones, de la divisió d'Operacions Especials de la MI6, aquest col·legial s'adona que el seu oncle, en fomentar els seus hobbies, l'ha preparat a consciència per a una carrera a l'espionatge.


La mosca

La mosca 1958


L'industrial François Delambre és cridat a altes hores de la nit per la seva cunyada, Helene Delambre, que li diu que acaba de matar el seu marit, André. Reàcia al principi, finalment explica a la policia que André va inventar un aparell de transport de matèria i, mentre experimentava amb ell mateix, una mosca va entrar a la cambra durant la transferència de matèria.


Jo confesso

Jo confesso 1953


Un sacerdot escolta la confessió d'un criminal. Quan les circumstàncies impliquen el capellà, i les sospites de la policia hi recauen, llavors haurà d'afrontar una situació espinosa: no pot explicar el que sap; cal, doncs, encobrir el culpable perquè està obligat a respectar el secret de confessió.



Hud 1963


Homer Bannon, un vell ramader de l'Oest, no vol saber res de la nova indústria petroliera que de mica en mica ha anat canviant el rostre de la regió i ha suposat una enorme riquesa per a tothom, i manté serioses discussions amb el seu fill Hud. El jove és un irresponsable que necessita molts diners per poder mantenir el seu luxós tren de vida, diners que no produeixen la cria de bestiar. Entre pare i fill s'hi interposa el nét del primer, nebot del segon, que sent un gran afecte pel seu avi i una gran admiració pel seu oncle. Enmig d'aquest xoc d'interessos, comença a passar alguna cosa al bestiar.


Secrets de família

Secrets de família 2005


Walter Goodfellow, el benintencionat rector de Little Wallop, està tan obsessionat amb escriure el sermó perfecte que ni ha notat que la seva dona, Gloria, té una aventura amb el seu professor de golf, el descarat Lance. Tampoc s'ha fixat que la seva filla Holly canvia de nòvio totes les setmanes, i que el seu fill Petey s'ha convertit en el principal objectiu de tots els abusadors del col·legi. La Gloria té la impressió de que està perdent el control sobre la seva vida. Està farta dels lladrucs incessants del gos del veí, del seu matrimoni sense amor i de les aventures dels seus fills adolescents, i resa totes les nits perquè la salvin. I apareix la Grace, que arriba com l'aigua de maig. És la nova majordoma, una dolça senyora gran, encantadora i discreta, que té unes idees molt poc corrents sobre com portar una casa, i una manera molt particular de resoldre els problemes.


Corina, Corina

Corina, Corina 1994


En Manny acaba de perdre la dona. Viu només amb la seva filla, i aquesta ha perdut la parla des d'aquell dia tràgic. L'home no sap què fer per recuperar l'alegre nena que era quan vivia la seva mare. Per això, decideix contractar una mainadera afroamericana perquè l'ajudi.


El meu oncle

El meu oncle 1958


En un barri modern i anodí, on tot està excessivament organitzat, hi viuen Monsieur Arpel, la seva dona i el seu fill Gérard, que s'avorreix sobiranament. L'arribada del seu oncle, Monsieur Hulot, un personatge somiador i ple de fantasia, alterarà aquest món tan asèptic, sobretot perquè no triga a convertir-se en el millor amic del nebot.


Cheer Up, Mr. Kim!

Cheer Up, Mr. Kim! 2012


A family drama involving a 32-year-old unmarried man who is raising four children! Kim Tae Pyung is a domestic helper and a legal guardian for four children who are not related by blood. Mr. Kim and his children go through a range of difficulties on their way to becoming a family. Let’s find out how they learn to accept each other as family members and become a true family!


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


The Mick

The Mick 2017


Mackenzie "Mickey" Murphy is a hard-living, foul-mouthed, cigarette-smoking woman who moves to affluent Greenwich, CT to raise the spoiled kids of her wealthy sister who fled the country to avoid a federal indictment. She quickly learns what the rest of us already know - other people's children are awful.


Master of the House

Master of the House 2024


A family enters a power struggle following the death of their patriarch, who leaves behind his diamond empire — and the housekeeper he recently married.


The Full-Time Wife Escapist

The Full-Time Wife Escapist 2016


A series of events leads single, 25-year-old Mikuri Moriyama and 36-year-old Hiramasa Tsuzaki to marry as a cover.


Young & Hungry

Young & Hungry 2014


Two worlds collide when Josh, a wealthy young tech entrepreneur, meets Gabi, a feisty young food blogger, looking to be his personal chef. Gabi is desperate for the job and must prove herself, mostly to Josh's aide, who prefers a famous chef for the job. When Josh enlists Gabi to prepare a romantic meal for him and his girlfriend, the dinner goes awry and Gabi finds herself in a very awkward position. With the help of her best friend Sofia and Josh's housekeeper, Gabi turns a difficult situation into an opportunity for employment and maybe even love. Gabi gets some much needed help and advice from Josh’s assistant and his housekeeper.


Gimme a Break!

Gimme a Break! 1981


Gimme a Break! is an American sitcom which aired on NBC for six seasons, October 29, 1981, until May 12, 1987. The series stars Nell Carter as the housekeeper for a widowed police chief and his three daughters.


Mr. Housekeeper, Mitazono

Mr. Housekeeper, Mitazono 2016


Kaoru Mitazono (Masahiro Matsuoka) is a talented housekeeper with an usual secret. Kaoru is actually a guy! Besides cooking, cleaning and babysitting Kaoru Mitazono has the unusual habit of discovering secrets held within the family of her employers.


I'll Fly Away

I'll Fly Away 1991


I'll Fly Away is an American drama television series set during the late 1950s and early 1960s, in an unspecified Southern U.S. state. It aired on NBC from 1991 to 1993 and starred Regina Taylor as Lilly Harper, a black housekeeper for the family of district attorney Forrest Bedford, whose name is an ironic reference to Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. As the show progressed, Lilly became increasingly involved in the Civil Rights Movement, with events eventually drawing in Forrest as well. I'll Fly Away won two 1992 Emmy Awards, and 23 nominations in total. It won three Humanitas Prizes, two Golden Globe Awards, two NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Drama Series, and a Peabody Award. However, the series was never a ratings blockbuster, and it was canceled by NBC in 1993, despite widespread protests by critics and viewer organizations. After the program's cancellation, a two-hour movie, I'll Fly Away: Then and Now, was produced, in order to resolve dangling storylines from Season 2, and provide the series with a true finale. The movie aired on October 11, 1993 on PBS. Its major storyline closely paralleled the true story of the 1955 murder of Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi. Thereafter, PBS began airing repeats of the original episodes, ceasing after one complete showing of the entire series.


Checking In

Checking In 1981


Checking In is an American sitcom that aired on CBS in April 1981. The series is a spin-off of The Jeffersons, which itself had spun off from All in the Family.


Death Comes to Pemberley

Death Comes to Pemberley 2013


Adaptation of PD James's bestselling homage to Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth and Darcy, now six years married, are preparing for their annual ball when festivities are brought to an abrupt halt.


My Housekeeper Nagisa-san

My Housekeeper Nagisa-san 2020


Twenty-eight-year-old Mei Aihara is a single working woman with no time or talent for housework and romance. But when she is forced by her sister to hire Nagisa Shigino, a middle-aged male housekeeper, hilarity ensues in this must-see romcom!


We Got It Made

We Got It Made 1983


We Got It Made is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 8, 1983 until March 10, 1984, and in first-run syndication from September 11, 1987 until March 30, 1988. The series was created by Gordon Farr and Lynne Farr Brao, and was executive produced by Fred Silverman in association with MGM Television.


Today's Nekomura

Today's Nekomura 2020


A cat who dreams of reuniting with its owner & works as a housekeeper to save money.


Maid Escort

Maid Escort 2021


In trying to help the young miss marry her fiance, the "maid" Yue Ziyuan finds that she's the one who has fallen in love with Yang Xiao. Along the way, the two join hands with righteous individuals from the pugilistic world. Yue Ziyuan of Shenwei Escort is under orders to protect Bai Yinruo, the youngest daughter of the Bai family up until her wedding day. By chance, Yue Ziyuan discovers that Bai Yinruo's fiance is none other than Yang Xiao. In order for Yang Xiao to marry Bai Yinruo, Yue Ziyuan has no choice but to agree to cooperate with Yang Xiao to embark on a "dangerous journey" to reviving the merchant roads. They also work together to investigate the murder of their parents.



Rebecca 1997


Based on the Gothic romance novel by Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca is a classic tale of love and hate. Maxim De Winter marries a woman half his age only a year after his first wife, the beautiful and accomplished Rebecca, dies. She finds herself in an aristocratic social world her middle class upbringing did not prepare her for, and housekeeper Mrs Danvers despises her for taking her darling Rebecca's place. But these are not the only problems to face...


George And The Dragon

George And The Dragon 1966


George and the Dragon is a British situation comedy made by ATV for the ITV network which was transmitted in four series comprising 26 episodes between 19 November 1966 and 31 October 1968. The regular cast is Sid James, Peggy Mount, John Le Mesurier and Keith Marsh and was written by Harry Driver and Vince Powell. Shaun O'Riordan was the director, while Alan Tarrant was the main producer.


The Dennis O'Keefe Show

The Dennis O'Keefe Show 1959


The Dennis O'Keefe Show is a 1959-1960 sitcom produced by United Artists Television which aired on CBS for sponsor General Motors' Oldsmobile division. It was not a ratings success during its original run, and was largely forgotten until a "Best Of" DVD release by Alpha Video during 2004. Certain episodes of the show can also be seen at the Internet Archive. It appears the series has entered the public domain.


Singer and Sons

Singer and Sons 1990


Singer & Sons is an American sitcom television series that aired from June 9 until June 27, 1990.