Selles de muntar calentes

Selles de muntar calentes 1974


L'avariciós governador Lepetomane i el seu malvat ajudant Hedley Lamarr volen que els habitants de Rock Ridge abandonin la ciutat, per vendre els terrenys a una companyia de ferrocarril. Per facilitar els seus maquiavèl·lics plans, nomenen xèrif Bart, un negre condemnat a la forca, perquè fomenti el desordre i l'anarquia a la ciutat.


L’emperador del nord

L’emperador del nord 1973


Oregon, 1933. Entre els rodamons que, durant la gran depressió, es desplacen d'un estat a un altre viatjant clandestinament als trens, el número u és l'Emperador del Nord, anomenat així per la seva astúcia per esquivar els revisors. Dos homes aspiren a aquest títol, però per a això hauran d'arribar a Portland al tren d'en Sack, un sàdic i implacable ferroviari.


Jesse James

Jesse James 1939


El 1867 comença la construcció del ferrocarril a l'estat de Missouri. Els agents de la companyia constructora pressionen amb amenaces i enganys els propietaris de les terres per on passarà el tren perquè les venguin a preus irrisoris. Tot i això, aquestes pressions s'estavellen contra la resistència d'una dona que viu amb els seus dos fills, Jesse i Frank James.


El segrest

El segrest 1997


L'agent de l'FBI LaCrosse està investigant un perillós criminal sospitós de múltiples assassinats i que té segrestat el seu fill. Però l'FBI l'aparta del servei actiu fins que s'acabi la investigació. LaCrosse haurà d'afrontar molts riscos a l'hora de perseguir els dos sospitosos principals, fins i tot l'actitud hostil del xèrif local, més preocupat de la seva reelecció.


Propietat condemnada

Propietat condemnada 1966


A l'època de la Gran Depressió, la crítica situació de Dodson (Mississippi) empitjora amb l'arribada d'Owen Legate (Robert Redford), un funcionari del ferrocarril la missió del qual és acomiadar gran part dels empleats locals. Alva Starr (Natalie Wood) és una jove molt bonica i coqueta amb molts plans i cap lloc on anar fins que Legate apareix a la seva vida. La seva aventura sentimental enfuria la distant i despreocupada mare d'Alva (Kate Reid) i encén el desig de venjança del poble.


Canadian Pacific

Canadian Pacific 1949


Tom Andrews treballa a la construcció del ferrocarril Canadian Pacific. Dirk Rourke, un poderós comerciant, s'oposa a aquestes obres ja que creu que poden ser perjudicials per al negoci. A més, entre Tom i Dirk hi ha una altra causa de discòrdia, la bella Cecille.


L’Índia en flames

L’Índia en flames 1959


El 1905, a l'Índia, esclaten revoltes protagonitzades per musulmans que intenten enderrocar el maharajà. El responsable de posar fora de perill l'hereu és el capità Scott, que emprèn una fugida amb tren amb el noi. Durant el viatge, l'atac dels rebels no serà el perill més gran que hauran d'afrontar.


Carson City

Carson City 1952


L'enginyer Jeff Kincaid (Randolph Scott) ha de construir una via de tren a través de les muntanyes per unir Carson (Nevada) i Virginia City. L'objectiu és protegir els enviaments d'or i plata de Comstock Lode que, transportats en diligència, pateixen contínuament els atacs dels bandits.


Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels 2011


The epic story of post-Civil War America, focusing on Cullen Bohannon, a Confederate soldier who sets out to exact revenge on the Union soldiers who killed his wife. His journey takes him west to Hell on Wheels, a dangerous, raucous, lawless melting pot of a town that travels with and services the construction of the first transcontinental railroad, an engineering feat unprecedented for its time.


Japan Railway Journal

Japan Railway Journal 2015


Discover the secrets of Japan's railways, from the newest technologies and systems in use, to travel tips and must-see places.


Great British Railway Journeys

Great British Railway Journeys 2010


Michael Portillo takes to the tracks with a copy of George Bradshaw's Victorian Railway Guidebook. Portillo travels the length and breadth of the country to see how the railways changed us, and what of Bradshaw's Britain remains.


Rail Wars!

Rail Wars! 2014


Takayama enters the training program of JNR with the ambition of becoming one of the venerable train company's engineers. As a trainee he is teamed up with fight-ready Sakurai and stolid Iwaizumi and fellow Haruka Kōmi who has encyclopedic knowledge of trains. Together they learn how security officers for the train line work and get involved in more than one tricky situation.


Rail Away

Rail Away 1996


Series about striking railways in the world. Each episode travels along a number of special locations, where the train serves as a guide and there is also attention for the landscape and culture.


Great Continental Railway Journeys

Great Continental Railway Journeys 2012


Michael Portillo travels on the great train routes of Europe, as he retraces the journeys featured in George Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide.


Walking Britain's Lost Railways

Walking Britain's Lost Railways 2018


Rob Bell explores the lost landscapes and infrastructure of some of Britain's former railway lines. From the 1960's the axe fell on 4,000 miles of Britain's rail network. Now, decades later, Rob Bell is going on journey to uncover those lost railway lines. Every week Rob will explore a different line; experiencing the hidden landscapes, lost infrastructure and forgotten worlds that disappeared when the line closed.


Great Asian Railway Journeys

Great Asian Railway Journeys 2020


Michael Portillo is in Southeast Asia, armed with his 1913 Bradshaw's Handbook. It will lead him on a spectacular 2,500-mile railway adventure across six countries. He explores towering megacities and magnificent mosques.



Jericho 2016


In the Yorkshire Dales in the 1870s, the shantytown of Jericho is the home of a community that will live, thrive and die in the shadow of the viaduct they've been brought together to build.


Train Cruise

Train Cruise 2013


Criss-cross Japan by rail. Enjoy an amazing diversity of nature and scenery across the four seasons, exploring both well-known and hidden Japan.


The Railway: Keeping Britain On Track

The Railway: Keeping Britain On Track 2013


Documentary series revealing the inner workings of Britain's railways, introducing the track-workers, train guards, drivers, police officers and management teams determined to keep the country moving.


Mighty Trains

Mighty Trains 2016


A journey riding the rails around the world, from the locomotive to rail traffic control to the maintenance depot.


The Iron Horse

The Iron Horse 1966


The Iron Horse is an American Western television series that appeared on ABC from 1966 to 1968 and featured Dale Robertson as fictional gambler-turned-railroad baron Ben Calhoun. Costars included Gary Collins, Robert Random and Ellen Burstyn.


Railroad Alaska

Railroad Alaska 2013


Following an elite crew of workers-- brakemen, engineers, construction crews, mechanics and train drivers – Railroad Alaska illustrates the battle against ferocious weather and treacherous terrain to keep the State of Alaska’s critical 500-mile long railroad rolling to deliver life sustaining supplies. From controlled avalanches to prevent catastrophe, to fascinating characters, like Jim James, the one-handed handy man, learn what it takes to keep this train on track.


Great American Railroad Journeys

Great American Railroad Journeys 2016


Michael Portillo crosses the Atlantic to ride the railroads of America, armed with Appleton's General Guide to the United States, published in 1879.


Gulag, the Story

Gulag, the Story 2020


A major political, historical, human and economic fact of the 20th century, the Gulag, the extremely punitive Soviet concentration camp system, remains largely unknown.


Paddington Station 24/7

Paddington Station 24/7 2017


With visitor numbers approaching 70 million every year, Paddington is one of the UK's busiest transport hubs.