Rambo: Last Blood

Rambo: Last Blood 2019


Després de lluitar contra els seus dimonis durant dècades, John Rambo viu ara en pau al seu ranxo familiar a Arizona, però el seu descans es veu interromput quan Gabriela, la néta de la seva mestressa de claus María, desapareix després de creuar la frontera amb Mèxic propòsit de conèixer el seu pare biològic. Rambo, que amb els anys s'ha convertit per a Gabriela en una veritable figura paterna, emprèn un viatge desesperat i perillós per trobar-la.



Psicosi 1960


Després d'haver-se apropiat de 400.000 dòlars que no li pertanyen, Marion Crane agafa el cotxe i fuig carretera enllà amb els diners. En fer-se de nit, troba el Motel Bats, un tenebrós motel on decideix passar la nit. Marion n'és l'única inquilina, i mentre és a la dutxa, una ombra estranya irromp a l'habitació i la cus a punyalades.



Tombstone 1993


El 1879 i després de la sagnant Guerra Civil nord-americana, molta gent va emigrar cap a l'oest del país a la recerca de prosperitat i fortuna. entre ells, Wyatt Earp, un home de la llei que havia abandonat la placa i la pistola per formar una família, o John "Doc" Hollyday, un ex cavaller del sud reconvertit en pistoler i jugador.


The Last Stop in Yuma County

The Last Stop in Yuma County 2024


Un venedor ambulant de ganivets es veu forçat a aturar-se en una estació de servei rural després de quedar-se encallat enmig del no-res. Allà, serà víctima d’una violenta presa d’ostatges per part de dos lladres de bancs.


Els Fabelman

Els Fabelman 2022


En créixer a l'era d'Arizona posterior a la Segona Guerra Mundial, un nen anomenat Sammy Fabelman descobreix un secret familiar devastador i explora com el poder de les pel·lícules pot ajudar-lo a veure la veritat. Pel·lícula semiautobiogràfica sobre la infància i joventut de Steven Spielberg.


El tren de les tres i deu

El tren de les tres i deu 2007


Remake del film de 1957 "El Tren de les 3:10", de Delmer Daves. Donen Evans és un típic ranxer d'un poble d'Arizona i veterà de la Guerra de Secessió que, per alleujar les penúries econòmiques, decideix escortar al perillós facinerós Ben Wade mentre arriba el tren que ha de portar-lo davant la justícia. Però no tot sortirà bé i la violència no trigarà a aparèixer: durant aquest temps s'inicia una dramàtica lluita psicològica entre els dos homes mentre les companys del malfactor intenten alliberar-lo.


La diligència

La diligència 1939


Personatges molt diversos emprenen un llarg, dur i perillós viatge en diligència. Entre ells, un fora de la llei a la recerca de venjança, una prostituta que han fet fora del poble, un jugador, un metge, la dona embarassada d'un militar i un xèrif. Les relacions entre ells seran difícils i tenses. A més, durant el viatge, hauran de fer front a l'atac d'una partida d'indis apatxes.


Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp 1994


Wyatt Earp i els seus germans s'internen per l'Oest salvatge i l'experiència converteix el que era un xicot innocent i aventurer en un dels pistolers més temuts. Les armes de Wyatt estan dedicades a mantenir la pau, però a partir del combat d'O.K. Corral, l'home que havia destacat com a xèrif, passa a convertir-se en un venjador.


El somni d’Arizona

El somni d’Arizona 1993


En un estrany i desolador paratge del desert americà, un venedor de cotxes convenç el nebot perquè hi treballi. Allà coneixerà una dona que li portarà seriosos problemes.


Duel de titans

Duel de titans 1957


Wyatt Earp, el xèrif de Dodge City, es troba novament amb John "Doc" Holliday, un jugador borratxo i tuberculós a qui va salvar la vida en una ocasió. Junts s'hauran d'enfrontar a la banda dels Clanton, una poderosa família que té atemorit tot el poble.


My Darling Clementine

My Darling Clementine 1946


Després que el seu bestiar sigui robat i el seu germà assassinat, els germans Earp tenen un compte per resoldre amb la família Clanton.


El tren de les tres i deu

El tren de les tres i deu 1957


L'atzar obliga un pobre camperol a substituir el xèrif per escortar Ben (Glenn Ford), un perillós delinqüent, que és, a més, el cap d'una banda de temibles bandolers. Després de cometre un assassinat, Ben és capturat i escortat fins a un poble, per on passa el tren que l'ha de portar a Yuma (Arizona) per ser jutjat. Mentrestant, la seva banda prepara el rescat.


The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin

The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin 1954


The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin is an American children's television program. Beginning in October 1954 until May 1959, 166 episodes originally aired on ABC television network. It starred child actor Lee Aaker as Rusty, a boy orphaned in an Indian raid, who was being raised by the soldiers at a US Cavalry post known as Fort Apache. He and his German shepherd dog, Rin Tin Tin, helped the soldiers to establish order in the American West. Texas-born actor James Brown appeared as Lieutenant Ripley "Rip" Masters. Co-stars included veteran actor Joe Sawyer and actor Rand Brooks from Gone with the Wind fame.


Sons of Tucson

Sons of Tucson 2010


Sons of Tucson is a family comedy about three brothers who hire a charming, wayward schemer to stand in as their father when their real one goes to prison. What begins as a business relationship evolves into something more complex and compelling: a family unlike any we've ever seen. The three brothers find their dad-for-hire, Ron Snuffkin (Tyler Labine), at the local sporting good store. Ron will be forced to draw on a wide array of skills and a vast bag of tricks as he steps into the patriarch role to take care of the boys of the Gunderson family. Robby Gunderson, 8, is a loose cannon who doesn't respond well to authority; Gary Gunderson, 11, is a bright and street-savvy leader who is every bit the con man his father is; and Brandon Gunderson, 13, is a gentle free spirit who simply goes along for the ride. Maggie Morales (Natalie Martinez), Robby's second-grade teacher and the object of Ron's affection, might just be the only stable figure in the lives of this quirky quartet. While Sons of Tucson is grounded in the day-to-day challenges of a single-parent home, nothing in the Gunderson household is quite what it seems. An ongoing chess match between Ron and the boys will keep both parties on their toes, as neither side can afford to give up too much power or independence.



Yankee 2019


On the run from the police, an Arizona man crosses into Mexico and gets deeply involved in drug trafficking, with the help of modern technology.


U.S. Marshal

U.S. Marshal 1958


United States Marshal (renamed from Sheriff of Cochise) is a crime drama set in Tuscon, Arizona about a U.S. Marshal fighting crime. After "U.S. Marshal" ended its run in 1960, both it and its predecessor series "The Sheriff of Cochise" were syndicated under the unified title "The Man from Cochise". This series was created when the title character of the 1956-58 TV series The Sheriff of Cochise (1956), a role also played by John Bromfield, accepted the position of U.S. Marshal based in Yuma, AZ.



Chambers 2019


Consumed by the mystery surrounding the donor heart that saved her life, a young patient starts taking on sinister characteristics of the deceased.


Coming of Age

Coming of Age 1988


Coming of Age is a situation comedy that aired briefly on the CBS television network in the United States for three runs in 1988 and 1989. Coming of Age features Paul Dooley and Phyllis Newman as a couple, Dick and Ginny Hale, living in a fictional retirement community, The Dunes, in Arizona. Retirement had not really been their, or at least, Dick's, idea – a former airline pilot, he had been forced to retire by a Federal Aviation Administration rule which requires all U.S. commercial pilots to retire by age 60. Dick hated almost everything about his retirement, including his surroundings. He was appalled by the hot climate, the thin walls separating the Hale's apartment from those of their neighbors Alan Young and Glynis Johns and, apparently, mostly by the contented attitude that most of the other residents expressed. This program was first aired as a midseason replacement in March 1988; although in was apparently not well received and was pulled after only three episodes were aired, it was nonetheless added to the CBS 1988 fall lineup. There, it failed again, and was quickly pulled. The airing of some more episodes in June and July 1989 was apparently a "run-off", an attempt to recoup at least some of the investment in the show by using it as filler during the traditionally low-rated summer months.


Basketball or Nothing

Basketball or Nothing 2019


Follow the lives of the Chinle High basketball team in Arizona's Navajo Nation on a quest to win a state championship and bring pride to their isolated community.