En ales de la dansa

En ales de la dansa 1936


John "Lucky" Garnett (Fred Astaire) és un destacat ballarí que arriba tard a casament amb Margaret Watson (Betty Furness). El pare repta que torni a demanar la mà de la seva filla quan hagi guanyat l'astronòmica quantitat de 25.000 dòlars. Per això John es trasllada a Nova York, en companyia del seu amic Everett "Pop" Cardetti (Victor Moore), on coneix Penélope "Penny" Carroll (Ginger Rogers). La relació entre tots dos s'anirà estrenyent fins al nivell que s'acabaran enamorant.


Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing 1988


Dirty Dancing is a 1988 television series on the CBS network. It is based on the film Dirty Dancing but had none of the original cast or staff. It stars Patrick Cassidy as Johnny and Melora Hardin as Baby. The show only lasted half a season, before it was canceled in January 1989 due to low ratings.



Special 2019


A gay man with mild cerebral palsy decides to rewrite his identity as an accident victim and finally go after the life he wants.