Pràcticament màgia

Pràcticament màgia 1998


Dues germanes òrfenes són criades per les tietes d'una forma atípica: sense regles ni obligacions i amb molts llibres d'encanteris al seu voltant. Totes dues saben que tenen poders extraordinaris però això té un preu: tots els homes que se n'enamorin estan destinats a morir prematurament.


M’he casat amb una bruixa

M’he casat amb una bruixa 1942


Salem, segle XVII. Després d'un judici per bruixeria en Daniel i la seva filla Jennifer han estat condemnats a ser cremats vius. Les cendres seran enterrades sota un roure perquè els seus esperits diabòlics hi romanguin empresonats per sempre. Tanmateix, la Jennifer ha tingut temps de maleir el purità Jonathan Wooley per haver-la denunciada. Els hereus de la família Wooley estan condemnats a patir matrimonis desgraciats tota l'eternitat. Passa el temps i en 1942 un descendent dels Wooley, en Wallace, està a punt de casar-se i de guanyar les eleccions a governador de l'estat.


Coses sabudes

Coses sabudes 1963


Adaptació de diversos contes de Nathaniel Hawthorne.


A Good Day to be a Dog

A Good Day to be a Dog 2023


Hae-na who is bound to inherit her family curse which is turning into a dog after getting her first kiss. The only way to break the curse is to get a second kiss. The problem is the guy who gave Hae-na her first kiss is afraid of dogs.


Wynonna Earp

Wynonna Earp 2016


Wyatt Earp's great granddaughter Wynonna battles demons and other creatures with her unique abilities and a posse of dysfunctional allies - the only thing that can bring the paranormal to justice.


Witches of East End

Witches of East End 2013


The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.



Chapelwaite 2021


In the 1850s, Captain Charles Boone relocates his family of three children to his ancestral home in the small, seemingly sleepy town of Preacher’s Corners, Maine after his wife dies at sea. Charles will soon have to confront the secrets of his family’s sordid history, and fight to end the darkness that has plagued the Boones for generations.