Paraula clau War Effort
Sherlock Holmes i l’arma secreta 1942
El detectiu Sherlock Holmes (Basil Rathbone) i el seu fidel ajudant el doctor Watson (Nigel Bruce) s'enfronten al col·laboracionista nazi Professor Moriarty. Moriarty té entre els seus plans segrestar un científic britànic que ha creat una nova mira de bombarder per atacar l'exèrcit alemany.
Eyes in the Night 1942
Show-Business at War 1943
The Small Back Room 1949
Meet the People 1944
Scrap Happy Daffy 1943
Keep Your Powder Dry 1945
Since You Went Away 1944
Asunder 2016
Drôle de guerre 2019
Seeing Hands 1943
Inflation 1942
馬 1941
Rosies of the North 1999
Calling All Kids 1943
How The Nazis Lost The War 2021
The decline of Hitler’s empire from the inside out by exploring the decline of the Nazis through the perspective of Hitler's bumbling generals and a paranoid Fuhrer.